

The haunted house ep 2
Everything became black, the lights started to turn on and off. Lusia grabbed the girls' hands and told them not to be afraid. After a while, the lights returned to normal and the voice asked them if they liked the welcome gift. Lusia told him that they were not afraid ,and that he should open the door for them to go.The voice answer it by saying "You look like a smart girl, there's no way you're so stupid as to think that I'll let you get away so easily. But let me explain to you how can you get out of here. So the only way to open that door and leaving this house is by completing the 10 levels of my game.The game is easy you get a box with a hint and a key,open a door and play the level.If you complete the level you go to the other level, but if you die in the level you will be stuck in this house forever.I was going to say good luck but nobody has ever win the game or get out of this house.So don't be upset even if you all loose the game, since you will not be alone.
Sandra and Eda were scared, while lusia turned to voice ,and told him that he was evil but they would do everything possible to get out of there.Voice said" thank you for the compliment and I'm more excited for the show now" A loud noise started coming from upstairs and voice told them that he forgot to say that the first door was opening by herself .Also if they were hurt in the game they would be able to really feel the pain then he gave them an evil laugh .The noise was coming close ,girls turned their heads and saw a big dragon coming down the stairs.They were in shock but lusia told them that they didn't have time, so they should they hurry up to find the box. The dragon was following them and the girls scattered to gain time.As they were running lusia saw that at the house door was a box .Sandra had nowhere to go and the dragon was very close to her. Lusia quickly opened the box, took out a sword,stepped in front of sandra and killed the dragon with it .The dragon disappeared and Sandra fainted from fear as she though she was going to die .The voice started clapping saying what a scene to jump in front of the dragon to save your friend.Now let me let you calm down and get ready for the second level and don't be so traumatic since it was just the first level.The girls hugged and lusia said that she was so scared for them, and that she is really sorry because everything happened because of her curiosity to enter that house.The girls told her that it didn't matter and that they should stay together, become strong and get out of there healthy and well .
© celesta