

What's Out There
The night was cold early in the
wild hours of thee morning. There was nothing outside but
wind an dust And shaking cold buildings which were falling apart.
Oh it was a ghost town. No one
was out but the night and riders
who get gas and work early in
thee morning. But it was one man, who as sleep in the store
I went in. I have never seen any
man sleep but half standing in
That counter was his bed so I
gave him some chips. And he woke from snooze, to say thank
you and go right back to sleep
his Wheel chair was right outside.
So he had some illnesses which
had him in that chair. But at night he made the empty counter
his bed. In another part of town
Ex music star driving women of
thee night around. So they can get snacks from 7eleven. We
we're outside the door, as the van
pulled up on us and the young
says are they open. I am sorry we
had to tell no. For it was said before they drove up that the man who works at night locks
the door so no one will steal. The
guy who told us that walked off
into night between two buildings.
Then he disappeared and we heard a scream. But who else was
between those to buildings. But
My boyfriend says let's get out of here. Then the van drives off, And we walk back to our building. Also as we walk back
one guy had a hoodie on was trying to find a store to buy smokes. But he walked up that dark block as we all went the
other way so hopefully he found
some. Some night stores don't
have a lot which you like to eat.
That got fillers like vending machines. But not real take out
like what taste good early in a
very cold morning. In fact one gas station was open because they busted his door open no glass was in his door frame. And he had 3 orange and white cones
which were outside holding the
frame up so the frame would not
fall on the ground. So in the middle of the night I am glad no
gun men or any killings in this area last night. If this could just
continue all over Maryland I would be happy to know that all
in our city are safe to move about
in the middle of thee night or day
time hey.

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