

The Moon Light Lab
The Moon Light Lab

"So you say the man was bitten by some sort of wolf like creature?" the journalist asked.

"That's right, " the scientist confirmed.

The scientist led the reporter through pristine white hall ways until they reached a larger window looking into a lab.

A man was strapped to a table and his mouth was muzzled. It was like something out of a Hannibal Lecter movie the journalist thought.

A special light; not yet switched on; hung over the man.

"You see the light?" the scientist pointed. "That light simulates the rays of a full moon".

The scientist pressed a button on the wall and spoke into a microphone. "Begin the procedure ".

The scientists in the lab turned off the main light plunging the room into darkness.

The journalist stared through the window into the pitch black in anticipation.

Then a white beam illuminated the man on the table. He began to scream and convulse. The straps went taut as he faught against them.

Hair began to sprout all over his skin. His mouth, hands and feet elongated. His teeth grew into pointed fangs. His fingernails became claws. His screams turned into animalistic howling.

The journalist stepped away from the window, his eyes wide in fear.

Finally the light was switched off and the room fell silent. Breathing heavily the journalist kept watching. Then the lights came back on and the man was just a man again although he looked exhausted and drenched in sweat.

"A real life Werewolf! This story will be huge!"

"There will be no story," a voice came from behind him.

The journalist turned around to see two men in military uniforms.

"What's going on?" the scientist asked.

"My name is General Lynch. This science project is now a military operation and that man on the table will be our weapon".

"You can't be serious?"

"I'm deadly serious. As deadly as the man in there ".

"I was promised a story".

The General looked at the journalist. "I am truly sorry. That promise should never have been made".

The General calmly pulled out a gun.

"My god. No, please".

The gun fired twice. The journalist fell to the floor, blood pooling from the back of his head.

"You murderer," the scientist cried out.

"I'm no murderer," General Lynch replied. "It was your promise of a story that killed him".
© Andrew J Sinclair