

I see,
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears? And until you I feared nothing, I'd get silent when I was bothered but now...

It's like a day dream 24/7 I see you an there's something behind those eyes that look cuts down in my soul. You pulled me out of the deepest pain I've felt since giving birth.
I locked up moved back trying not to get caught up in the wanting something that
you just got me out of. I see faces talk to people but seeing you is a feeling I can't explain.
A wrong I don't want this so good feeling
not a nightmare a I didn't want to feel this.
I didn't talk I didn't write I try not to think
but that something that's behind those eyes of yours manage to catch me off guard everytime.
This feeling is my nightmare come true it's a not being able to wake up from a dream without sleep.
I run, I run and hide..

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