

I see...
The next day I drove to Eldridge Dr. the way was so beautiful I drove slowly just to enjoy the view. Pulling into a driveway my notice was this big brick two story home the yard was beautiful so well kept. It being early I rang the doorbell come in he said. The livingroom opened up to a very neat place of comfort quiet and simple where his mother sat on the sofa. Mother he said this is
Ms Eve Blake the lady that we were talking about. I walked over and shook her hand goodmorning
Mrs Willis how are you. Sit down baby Mike go get her some coffee she said. As he left the room she said I ask Mike to have you to come talk to me I'm the one that you'll be taking care of and I want to know and like the person that will be helping me you understand me baby. Oh yes ma'am I understand and I agree you can't just trust anybody these day's I said. We talked for a while as Mike was outside to my surprise doing yard work the way it looked I thought maybe he had a professional keep the yard.
Also to my surprise he was that professional that was his business. His office was a small cottage on the side of his home. After talking I noticed that she picked up this remote Mike came in ma'am he said to his mother.
She's nice she said I like her. Come with me Ms Blake and I'll give you details of what to expect that is if you want the job. Walking outside across the yard to his office have a seat he said I did the paperwork your mother said I'm working for her I said. Look Ms Blake my mother can be very strong sometimes and snap you up she don't mean any harm it's just her getting old. I understand that I've dealt with the elderly before. I need you to be here at 7 she doesn't get up until 8 but I need to be in the office before 8. There's not much that she can't do herself it's just that getting in and out of the bath, cooking and her needing to go places.
See she want to be independent but I'm worried that she'll get hurt she's not able to react to certain things anymore he said.
I really was looking for a live in person but for now she likes you so let's just see how things goes. Here's the keys sometimes I won't be here when you get here he said.
Do you have any questions for me or mother
excuse me he said I'm sorry I need to know if you would be able to stay here some weekends when my job call me out of town.
It's your decision I don't want to interrupt or interfere with any relationship that you're in he said. Mike my life is simple I go to work I go home I said I have a friend that I'm talking to I go out with every now and then but they have their own ideas about love and it's not really what I want in a relationship.
They tell some that we are in a relationship but I don't see it that way. They just don't grasp that just because they want a relationship with me doesn't mean that I want and feel for them what they are feeling for me I said. I believe that love is natural and the attraction has to be on both sides for the relationship to work. They says that they love me but their idea of love and my idea of love are very different. So I said my relationships won't be a problem. We spent most of the morning talking about what to expect from them and what they could expect from me.
At lunch time we both went in to his mother to find out what she would like for lunch. Mike made her lunch and as she ate we continued to talk. After lunch he told me that I could start on Monday it being Friday.
I drove back home and I just couldn't help but think he was just trying to find out if I was seeing someone because my relationships had nothing to do with the job.

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