

Believing Against All Hope Takes Faith
Truly, life is a series of problems awaiting to be solved, natural problems we solve through faith in universal hopes and fake problems through believing against universal hopes to believe in everlasting hopes.
But faith is motivated by hopes, so when coming up against what all other people place their faith in, we must not accept the hopes that they have developed from the limitations that they see.
Romans 4 shares with us that Abraham, against all the hopes this physical world offered for him to have a child in his old age, he believed in God, and God delivered unto him, his hope, against all the laws He had authored, supplies, and initiated.
This is a lesson unto us, that when we have problems that seem like the world and all it's laws go against, that we can rest assure our faith in God's promises more than all those laws against us, and recieve what He says is for us to have.
Faith in God more than the laws of this universe is more reliable, because He is the reasons the laws are so continuous, and He will give the access to His promises for the ones truly willing to become the one that receives it, and as the laws helps us to receive most of all His promises, we need to understand reliance on His promises needs to be saught for to recieve more than the laws, because His promises are eternal, the laws of the universe rely on His promises to function. In this way, He and His promises become our law, more than the physical laws. But there again, this belief will take strong faith to walk right through the mist of all the hopes this world offers to receive the hopes of God's everlasting promised blessings.
© Brother Stephen Scottt