


The chronology of mind is simple but works in quite complex manner. One
understands himself before that his mind guides him in another direction the
variability and capability depends on person to person , to some extent upon the
variations produced ,, the observation from a particular scenario may inhibit
something extraordinary power . Focusing on a parallel route it might suggest
that developing a extraordinary power but at the same time one must learn
how to build himself in future . It’s completely his choice how he is going to
rebuild his life for future and design his showcase of authority.
Controlling a mind refers to an exemplary
strategy of one’s life .meditation can be one of the major path to it’s success.
Talking about failures and success there can be endless discussions all around.
Life is a game of limited resources ups and downs are its major partners. Often
it is heard that weak time create strong men but strong time in favour creates
weak men .building a road can be a difficult task in terms but its ones
responsbility to create and design its own path . Having full presence of mind
in one self may yeild a excellent result .
Thought procedure though being complex
requires a lot of dedication for a person . Convertion of the mind thought to
the reality and turning it into an executive procedure demands for extensive
power and control thoughts . But the major question is still unsolved !!
To explain this we must retain the idea of thoughts and observation .to be
specific what we see gets converted to vision and then it becomes an
observation . This thing now reapetetively appears in our thoughts irrespective
of the fact whether the thought is related to the observation or not . A strong
mind system may resist these thoughts but weak mind set peoples may face a
little bit of issues . Your mind may be deviating from the tract but having a
domination on it can be cure to the above mentioned problem . Forcing your
thoughts to the present will yield an excellent result in future . It may look
difficult for the beginners but living in present can help you fight in any
strange situation . More and more indulging yourself in your own identity
makes your character more prominant.
Thereafter making decission reflects a persons
thinking in either way . It may be a persons thinking hiw we deal in deal in
strange situation . Your present thinking reflects the past happenings and at the
same time your past is going to be an exemplary situattion for your own identity.
© jyotiar