

Fire Vs Ice (Great rivals)
(In the planet of Rage and tranquility, separated from the milky way while situated in the different galaxy which was far away from other galaxies, there were two nations who had resentment with each other. Those nations were known as Pyro-the Fire Kingdom and Blizzard-the Ice kingdom. The Fire Kingdom, Pryo, known as for its special element, Fire, where every Pryo ones had it in the deepness of their heart while the name of their king was Timothy. However, The Ice kingdom is special for its cool techniques and talents in the skills of using Ice's element. Their King, known as Luke, was infamous of his intellectual actions like Timothy. Both Kingdom were living in harmony until the darkness user, Jayden, made a conflict between them.)

Scenery: Jayden enters in the fire Kingdom to have his meeting with the King of Pyro, Timothy.

Jayden: (Smirks) Such a mesmerizing place I entered in! Once My plan against these two losers worked, I will have my power to snatch the authority they both have in their kingdoms!
(A soldier approaches to him to ask something)
Soldier: Hello, Mister. I captured my glance at you waiting outside this palace.
Do you need anything?
Jayden: (smiles evilly) Oh! Yes, I want my entry in the palace to meet the king personally.
Soilder: I am afraid he's busy in his work. but I can let him know your private meeting. In the meantime, You should come inside the palace for waiting there.
Jayden: Well, If that's the case, then it's an honour to wait for him in the palace.
(The guards took him to the king's negotiation room by the order of the king after his work got finished)
Timothy: Oh! Jayden! It's a pleasure to meet you in person. Sit here.
Jayden: (Bows down and sits on the chair in front of his chair where he's sitting) I appreciate your generosity, your highness.
Timothy: (smiles) So, What brings you here? I am surprised to see you in my kingdom while you don't come here usually.
Jayden: (Smirks mischievously) Well, as you brought this main point, I am here to
inform you that your friendly Luke is plotting something to invade your territory.
Timothy: (Shocked) What?? How can you say that? It isn't true. you must be lying!!
Jayden: (shows his sad and innocent look) My highness, How would I dare to lie in front of the honourable king whose braveness is inevitable? Once I witnessed that in their territory, they were preparing some weapons around their border!
Timothy: (His eyes widened) What?
Jayden: (leans) yes, My lord! He's planning on capturing your territory! if you didn't take any step, Then everything will be perish-
Jayden: (Trembles and shuts his mouth)
Timothy: Soldier!
Soldier: Yes, My lord?
Timothy: Prepare the army to extend around the border of our nation and make sure if the army of the ice-kingdom try to attack us.
Soldier: Yes, My lord!
Timothy: (glares at him) I appreciate your message, Jayden. Now get out!
Jadyen: (smirks evilly) Yes, My highness!

(After the conversation, Jayden went back to the Ice Kingdom to spread his lies to create a war between them.)

(Luke, The king of Ice kingdom, known as blizzard, Witnessed Jayden's appearance)

Luke: (smiles) Oh, Jayden! It's been a while..How have you been?
Jayden: Everything's going well, My highness! Just a little Disappointment arose in my mind.
Luke: What happened?
Jayden: Once I was about to enter the palace of fire Kingdom, I heard from the rumours that the king of the fire Kingdom, Timothy, have an intention of incinerating your nation into ashes.
Luke: What?? A genius guy like you believes in rumours? That's hilarious and Why would Timothy do something like that?
Jayden: I am afraid that it's true. fire nation is planning on throwing cannon attacks..I have seen their soldiers preparing for it.
Luke: What?!
Jayden: My highness! You should be prepared to counter-strike him.
Luke: Soldier! Create a shield to defend the attack coming from the fire nation!
Jayden: (smirks evilly)
Luke: (Shakes his hand with Jayden's hand) Thanks for giving this info, Jayden. I appreciate this.
Jayden: It's my pleasure, My lord!

(After this whole ruckus of throwing attacks at each other, The war started to call out. many soldiers of the both nations who fought in the border died and two kings showed up in the fight with their high resentment of rage while Jadyen was watching this in the sky.)

Timothy: (throws a fireball at him with his sharp and rough hands) This is for your deceptive attempt!
Luke: (Covers it with a heavy Ice shield and throws some icy spikes) Considering me a betrayer while you commenced this!
Timothy: (Stomps a step to generate circular fire shield which can burn any attacks into ashes) What are you talking about?
Luke: (summons the iceberg around his area to injure him) didn't you plan on invading my nation?!
Timothy: (makes a high leap and cuts the iceberg with fiery hands and takes out a massive fire attack from his mouth to Counter-attack at him) Because you plotted the invasion.
Luke: (Stikes an ice beam at the attack) What invasion? who told you that? I didn't plan on anything. You did it!
(After the ice beam he struck, The fire attack got freezed and they both stood up on their grounds)
Timothy: (surprised) What??? But my acquaintance relayed your invasion to me! plus I didn't plan on capturing your nation..I extended my army to see if you would attack me or not.
Luke: (shocked) What?! Jayden relayed the same thing to me!
Timothy: Jayden?? You mean he went to your kingdom?
Luke: Correct!
Timothy: We have been tricked!
(A sudden massive shadow flaming attack from Jayden from the sky appeared between them and both kings covered themselves with their skills and realised quickly about who did it.)
Jayden: (Laughs evilly) You losers really thought that I would fight with you both face to face? forget it!
(Timothy grunted while Luke clenched his first in anger)
Timothy: Jayden, You lying snake!
Luke: Now it makes sense! You did this for your amusement and for acquiring both nations.
Timothy: (a burning flame comes out of his right hand after preparing his guard) Prepare for your harsh punishment which is death, Jayden!
Luke: ( a fog within his right hand surroundes for an incoming attack of large ice slash) Time for you to die as you provoked both nations to make them fight with each other, Jayden!
(After this fierce fight , Jayden was defeated and died mercilessly and Both nations apologized and maintained their peace and friendship forever.)