

My Vision of India 2047!
People run to courts, today tommorow and this procedure continues for 12 years, then finally justice is received when the person is dead. India's Judiciary system lacks and requires a plenty to be improved. This is the bitter reality that ordinary people keep urging for their rights and receives it when it's really too late, as the line says "Justice delayed is Justice denied". It requires lots of guts to come out of the backward traditions and blind eyes and reach the court for help, but it's all wasted if honestly said! Might our civics books have in it written in bold letters : any one who seeks Justice and is tortured in any sense can reach the court without any fear. But is that truly applicable to real life? Bitterly speaking, those with contacts are rewarded with Justice but the ordinary man awaits their whole lives standing in queues. Vision for 2047 includes a smooth Judiciary system where people irrespective of their caste, creed, gender and status will be listened and justified! Actually many people who are in need of courts avoid visiting it due to the same reason they know that they'll teach there and spend around their half life span or minimum 5 to 7 years revolving it. Another issue in this matter is corruption The term “corruption” is commonly used in everyday language, so most of us are familiar with it. What is the definition of corruption? In our minds, various images emerge. “Corruption is just another type of tyranny,” said Joe Bidden, America’s 47th Vice President. According to the statement, corruption is on par with cruel and tyrannical government rule. Corruption, on the other hand, is a struggle that a common man or woman encounters every day in order to maintain his or her fundamental rights and other benefits as human beings granted by the Constitution. This corruption leads to bribery, why along with their salary, lawyers demand for bribe and those who afford more are off course those who get justice and ordinary person still keeps running keeps fighting, and not every story is a movie where the ending is victorious, in real life people fight and die lose or win after they die which is actually more sad.
And I'm not totally criticizing my country's functioning, but bringing forth what the truth is, yes our Judiciary system has showed great pride from the very starting but there is lot much to be improved yet!
 So my vision for 2047 is India where every citizen has been given Justice with it's true terms!
© Masha