

the first rain with him
I quickly wore a salwar suit grabbed my dupatta and ran down outside my house at night..he was there on his bike waiting for me..I sat and we took off for our first ride together. The weather was windy and it was about to rain.." I feel cold" he said, so I took my dupatta and wrapped it around us..I rested my head on his back..playing with his hair..it was the perfect moment..I started feeling cold too so I hugged him tightly from the back. It started to drizzle...we were on the highway...3 am...I brought my face beside his and rested my chin on his shoulder so we could feel each other's breath...It started to rain heavily so we stopped by a house that had a shade outside.. I was comfortable being wet but he wasn't.. I figured it out by his actions..he was continuously touching his hair..yes that's what he does when he feels uncomfortable.. I chuckled...and he saw. " give this to me I need to wipe my hair dry" saying this he pulled my dupatta...and I turned away..of course I couldn't face him without covering myself properly. "What's the matter?" he asked. "I need it" I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards himself..I couldn't speak anything except to blush..I stared down and he stared at me asking me if I could wipe his hair so I agreed. He bent on the bike a little and I started wiping his hair. I will never forget his face at that time..like a little kid enjoying a prank. He was enjoying me being uncomfortable.. And I sort of liked it.I told him we should get going..he looked at me, came closer and closer and placed my dupatta on me as it was..."you look beautiful in wet hair" he said. I blushed and blushed...we set off for home...it was still drizzling... I hugged him even more tight now...he held my one hand and kept on his chest..I knew he liked being close to me. We reached home and bid goodbye and good morning because it was 6 am... And we hung up the call...my virtual ride in the rain was over..the call ended that had lasted 3 hours 20 minutes..this was very special for me...it will always mean more than the real drive with him.