

Miss Marley
20th May 1998,
My name is Nania Thwerya,
I am of German indian descent and something unexpected happened to me when I was 13.
For 5 years I was held,I was constrained,I was kept in the four corners of a room,it became the only place I knew.
This is my story and I will tell you the best way I can.
I watched the huge figure come into the room.He was muscular of course as I stated he was huge!
The first thing I noticed were his blue grey eyes,like sapphires and emeralds,his jet black hair like that of a raven,a simple bridged nose and his undefined heart shaped lips.He had on a black top and black cargo trousers,seems black was his thing.
he walked up to me in this demeaning way and I wondered,what is going on?....

Well,my friends and I were a part of a society where we deal with school jobs.We were not the type to get into trouble or anything.
My friends loved to play silly jokes on eachother but they never really did anything big.
That night, we had a project due and I had to assist of course,so I packed my bags and went over to jalana's house,our leader.After we had finished I took my leave,it was just 7:00pm in the evening. As I kept on walking I noticed a man trailing after me,I sensed danger and i tried to run but i was too slow,he had caught up with me and used a cloth to cover my mouth,I screamed and kicked then I felt sleepy,too sleepy to scream,too sleepy to kick,the world became a mist then I blacked out.Opening my eyes I saw I had ended up in a basement,I was gagged and I had chains on my hands and feet.The first thing you are thinking is how scared I was,right? Well,you are wrong,I wasn't a bit scared.I assumed it was a prank of somesort and I wondered where they had found such an intresting room and such a good actor.Another thought raced through my mind,they better let me home by dawn.

(back to the story line)
He was such a good actor,he even had the aura to play the bad guy.
he inched closer to my face and spoke.
"You must be marley,it is nice to have you back again"
I froze.who is marley?
I am definitely not marley.
I mean its a nice name but they should have given him the right scripts,the acting is sloppy since he missed my name.
As I could not speak I just stared at him with a blank expression.
then he looked into my eyes as if searching for something then said;
"Do not be afraid,I will take care of you only if you act like a good girl and..."his voice became deeper and darker "...IF YOU DARE OBJECT TO MY RULES ,I WILL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER GET A CHANCE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY EVER AGAIN"his voice sent shivers down my spine,there were goose bumps forming on my skin,my ears hurt from his loud voice and the sight of his beast filled expression was like a dagger being thrown at me.
I was confused and scared.it did not seem like a joke.
what a fool I must have been,
have I really been kidnapped?

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