

The Conjurer
You're frozen. You stare down at the book in your hands, eyes glued to the page, waiting for this novel to predict your future.

You're terrified. Who knows what could happen. Who knows, what, by reading this, you will accidentally conjure into reality.

You're lonely. No one knows where you are, you're alone in the room. If something happens, no one will be able to help you.

Your fate is left up to the words written on these pages.

The room around you appears ordinary. All its usual things are in all their usual places, but as you read, a strange feeling comes over you. You can't explain it. It almost feels like you are being watched, or someone is standing next to or behind you. The feeling steadily grows in intensity, until it is all you can feel, all you can focus on. That's when you see it. Something moving out of the corner of your eye. A large, shadowy figure. You may have looked up, but as soon as you do it disappears. You hesitate before reading again, and when you do the figure reterns. You watch as it creeps towards you on what looks to be four legs. You can't tell what it is, and strain...