

1000 Ways to Stay Sorry ch: 4 The Dancing Fool
Leaves were sprouting and trees were green once again. Summer was almost here, and although it rained a lot, the temperature was getting warmer again.
The dance was only a few hours away and most of the students were excited. Rumors of who was taking who to the dance spread throughout the halls of our school like wild fire.
Of course, there were the usual couples. The couples who seemed to be together since birth, like Molly Shea and Jimmy Dubois, who everyone suspected was actually in the closet, and that their relationship was just a front.
Jimmy was a handsome young boy with blue eyes and blond hair. He always dressed nice wearing the latest trends. He had a huge smile with dimples that hung over them like quotation marks.
Jimmy also had a lisp. His demeanor was that of a deva and he had a strut that looked like he was walking the cat walk at a fashion show.
Jimmy grew up next door to Molly and had been inseparable since they could walk and talk. So the fact that they claimed to be a couple raised some doubt amongst the kids in our school, and as far as Andrew was concerned, it didn't matter either way.
Whenever Andrew happened upon Jimmy he would greet him with a lame impression of a deva-like- queer, one hand on his hip, while snapping his fingers and waving his other hand back and forth over his head.
" Heyyyy, Jimmy!" he'd say in a lisp.
It wasn't funny the first time Andrew did this, and it definitely didn't get funny the next 4,000 times after. But Andrew thought it was hilarious and laughed hysterically every single time he did it.
For the most part both Molly and Jimmy were able to block out Andrews insults. Jimmy would go about his business unfazed like Andrew wasn't even there. It was only when Andrew insulted Molly that he would get a reaction from either of them.
As the day went on and School got closer to its end, the talk of that nights dance grew more frenzied. The gossip changed from who was going with who, to who is wearing what. Since the theme for the nights dance was dubbed, ' Come as You Are, 90's bizarre, ' (which was an ode to Nirvana, the controversial 90's grunge rock band from Seattle,) most of the students were showing off their concert shirts, Nike Cortez, or some other popular attire from that decade.
Usually, the dances door charge was $5, a charge that helped pay for the DJ, and the refreshments for the night, but if you wore something commemorating that decade, you were given a 50% discount. As you might imagine, the students who were planning to attend the event spent a big part of that whole month planning their costumes.
Most of the girls from the well to do neighborhood's couldn't wait to get the school day over with. They had made appointments with their hair dressers to get their hair done in big bangs and big hair 90's fashion. The boys from the same part of town got their hair done in the Caesar fashion. Looking around there were many who were wearing ZCalvarici pants, others wearing MC Hammer style parachute pants. The poorer of the students, such as myself, decided on concert shirts depicting artists and bands from the 90's, such as 2-Pac, Cypress Hill, and Flannel shirts borrowed from their dads closet.
Andrew had on a bandana and a God Smack concert t-shirt. It was a shock to the whole school that he planned to attend the dance at all, but it also made a lot of us very, very nervous. Some wondered if he had a motive, or even joked that he was taking his mom to the dance that night. Quietly of course, nobody wanted to be heard by Andrew himself for fear of the consequences.
Andrew, however; seemed to be in his own world that day. He seemed to be floating as if he was actually happy and somehow lost the giant chip he was carrying on his shoulders all these years.
Rumors started to buzz around the school that Andrew had met someone and was bringing her to the dance. More rumors got around the school that he had met a girl from the High School, an older girl.
Was this actually true? I thought to myself. Andrew Wiggins had a girlfriend! This news, although it might just be a rumor, actually gave me a sense of relief. This may be the one thing that could make Andrew stop being such an asshole, and that would make everyone's lives much, much easier.
The more I watched Andrew and his demeanor, the more it seemed like the bullying would finally end. The only question on everyone's minds now was, " Who would actually go out with such a dick?"
That was something I couldn't wait to see for myself.

© Kinga77