

My Boarding School Experience...

Many a times came whereby I detested boarding school but while I was there but strangely, I seemed to like it.

It was fun being in a boarding school, being among your friends.

Boarding school is really fun once you can bear the burden of hunger!👐

Everyday then was like no other day at home. Limited supplies, which made our schooling difficult except for those who can improvise.

I remember one day, I had to ease myself just after evening sport, the hostel was locked.

The only toilet we had outside the hostel was also locked. Even if it was opened, only the strong hearted can get into it, I hope you get my point!

It felt like a mountain in me was about crushing my intestines. I told my friends who laughed and introduced me to the act called _shotput_ you know, defecating into a nylon and disposing it into the bush, it was embarrassing but sweet to do 😋

One of the things I love about boarding school despite it's faults, is the encouragement of one's reading culture. Every evening is our prep when we go to our various classrooms to read our books. It was fun but whoever gets there late, receives hell of beatings in which I'd always fallen victim to.

I was poor at keeping time always late to class, for morning duty, fellowship, chapel and so on thereby receiving tons of beatings.

There's what we call _skempi_ oh my gosh! It was a food of the heavens😋 I can never forget the intrusion I derived from it each time I eat/drink it. Now to those wondering _what is skempi?_ anyways, it is basically _garri_ mixed with sugar, Milo, milk, chin-chin and any other _mende-mende_ you literally can derive different flavors of _garri_ depending on the flavors in it.

Life in boarding was kind of weird but somewhat intruding.

_*These are my thoughts*_ 😘✍️
© jhaybarddaily