

The influence of love
"The Influence of Love." What exactly does that imply to you?
Write a story on it.

In a city full of people, buildings, and cars, today seemed silent.
The streets were filled but it was quiet.
I, Floria Hansburg, find it quite disgusting that in February, all these couples are holding hands and kissing. I already feel like throwing up.

I hate it when February comes around. My siblings, other family, and friends always say:
"Where's your boyfriend?"
"Why don't you have one?"
"She's saving the boys from dying because of how ugly she is"
"Let me get a date for you and my friend"
"I have a friend that has a son whose interested!"

Like, what the heck! I just want to finish my last year of college here in peace, then travel to Michigan to study veterinary science.
People constantly push me to fall in love. I don't want to be in a relationship and peer pressure is definitely making me want to "hold hands under the dim moonlight as we gaze into each other's eyes!".

People always say, love is like a soft warm blanket that will keep you safe. I'm not sure how a blanket will keep me safe from society.

Others always tell me that then I will have someone to comfort me. I already have my goldfish, catfish, and pet chicken for that.

It's extremely aggravating that even middle schoolers are falling in love with some seniors and their dating when their grades and standards are lower than my height (and I'm 5'foot 3inches)
Okay, I may have gone too far, but you get the point.
I have been stuck around all these people that constantly want to find their soulmate and find "the one" when they should be focusing on themselves and their life.

I only say those things because the people I have met ended up throwing away their lives because they had been influenced to fall in love which in the end, didn't work out.

My mother and father hate each other and argued every day when I was younger, until I never saw them again. After, I had to stay with my aunt.

A friend of mine is now in a poverty home because she fell in love with a junior high schooler during her freshman year that took all of her money.

This was just a quick ranting letter, but now you now my perspective of the influence of love.

Floria, Hansburg

*Please know that none of the events in this story are real and that they are made up for the story.

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