

When She walks away
I courted her for over a year,
We've been together for five years

I proposed to her in front of her family
But things started to shatter
when she gave up on me.

It was our wedding day when
she should walk towards me but instead,
she walks away from me,
There were so many questions I want to ask her

Where did I go wrong?

Did I upset her?

Did I pressure her?

What makes her walk away from me?

She refused to contact me after that incident,
her family was very sorry so is she.
I let her take the time to think.

after 2 years of no communication
and explanation from her,
I decided to let her go.
It was a hard decision for me but
that's the only thing that would set us free.

© Writes40

It was still unfair for him not to have the explanation he deserves but sometimes we locked ourselves too much forgetting what life was supposed to be. We can't force ourselves to get the explanation we wanted from them that's why choosing to be free with it is the best thing to do.