

Things I hate about this community!
"Hate" is a heavy word to start off with, sometimes you have to use it.
This is sequel to my post on "things I love about thie platform". Every great thing has some or the other weakness or flaws. this platform is not immune to that law. After all we are humans and anything involving us has some or the other "flaws". This might get controversial and I am ready for all the hate comments(if any!). The truth must be spoken and I am not gonna be shy about it!
Without any further ado lets get into the main issues:-

1.Trending page
I love the trending page feature, it helps writers reach a wider audience and become popular. I just dont like way things are shaping out in regards to the quality of content. I have been checking the trending section on a regular basis, I find a dearth of genuine and quality content, more of the sappy and formulaic stuff, which will attract the general audience. I am not chasticizing all creators. I have also found many heartwarming creations on the trending page, its all hidden by the bad stuff. You have to literally search deeper down the list to actually find greay work. This state of the trending section, lacking any originality and newness really makes me sad.

2.Selfish creators
I do not want to name anyone, they know who they are. Their modus operandi;
visit random writer's post and comment "please read or checkout my xyz work", they do this everywhere and do not spare even a few minutes to consider the creator's hardwork, I am appaled by the level of selfishness shown by a some of the creators here.
If your work is good the platform will help it reach your viewers organically, no need to beg or promote yourself in someone else's comment section. Its rude and disrespectful to the creator.
Spamming just makes the community negative and deters any new comers from joining this beautiful community, some of them might be readers looking for a nice communitu where they can read from great writers.
This is a self-deprecating move, you achieve nothing worthwhile and dig your own graves at the same time.

On this sombre note I would like to end my serious essay.I know the subject matter is heavy, sorry for that.One needs to stand up against any evil or wrong one sees happening around them, silence is like supporting the evil and allowing it to thrive. I cannot let that happen, so i have decided to raise my voice.I hope I can inspire others on this revolution.
Take care and stay safe!
Thank you so much for taking out your precious time and reading my piece, you guys make me feel so special.

© mercurialbuddha
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