

“Everyone will hurt you, it's about finding the one that's worth suffering for”

We orgasmed together and as we sighed and tried to catch our breath. We wiped the sweat off our faces. I leaned close and whispered “I Love You So Much” she began to close her eyes as if in pain. I saw the tears in her eye as she began to sniffle as the tears fell. I was dumbfounded. It was always my belief that if your girlfriend cries after sex, it's usually not a good thing. It was then I moved over so I could hold her “Chelsea what's wrong baby?” “Did I hurt you?” she shook her head “No” “Then what's wrong babe?" Chelsea wiped her eyes on the pillowcase “It's Me” she said. “What do you mean“ it's you?” She then said five words that would haunt me for a decade to come.

looking back I wish I had just walked away. To me, She seemed to be like everything I needed in a woman. I would turn out to be dangerously wrong. Chelsea and I first met in my sophomore year of high school. She was a senior at that time. We shared a Study Hall. During my first two years in high school, I smoked the devil's lettuce, It was the only thing that kept me from turning into a mad man. To me, Chelsea was an Eight or Nine all day. As for me, /well I was a goth-style Juggalo. This scared a lot of people because they thought we practiced black magic and ate newborns as “snacks”. We were very misunderstood and no hottie preppy girl never would give us Juggalos the time of day. I slept about 2/3 of the day y and especially in study hall. Chelsea began talking to me, mostly she was just flirting with me. I was so confused because I was a scrub with no money no popularity and I was just a pothead Juggalo. I ignored her most of the time because I thought she was just trying to mess with me. Turns out she had a giant crush on me. Unfortunately for both of us, I already had a girlfriend. The girlfriend that I did have was a product of lust. I couldn't fall in love with her, but once she lost her virginity to me she became obsessed. She was an African-American girl who was the same age as Chelsea (2 years older than me) Unfortunately, my family was extremely racist and my father would disown me had I got her pregnant or just seeing me with her. I was working as a Telemarketer in my girlfriends' town. One day I responded to a text and then a phone call. The more I got to talk to Chelsea the more it was apparent that I had to let my stalker girlfriend go. She did NOT take it well. I had to do what I had to do though because deep down I felt I could have a future with Chelsea. I felt on top of the world, to be honest. She knew she didn't understand why they were so afraid of me. Maybe she was the first person that could see beyond society's labels, and that I found intriguing. She wanted to date, I didn't at first but after her promiscuous personality began to grow on me and I made the mistake of letting her into my heart. I never let anyone get close because everything close to me leaves or dies. I didn't want to hurt again. Inside I was still just a little boy watching his mother vanish into the night without a “Goodbye” You know the way Christians follow Jesus? Well, that's how I felt about her. She was Godlike. The problem with seeing someone as “Godlike” is that you forget to realize that they make mistakes, and are only human.
© Adhdishe