

Ep 3 First Day Of Her Job
So she was too excited to perform the tasks for the boss. But she doesn't know it is not just a simple task but complicated. She was also happy because her bestie Cassia also works in this same company. So she wore a casual dress and her lucky charm L on her neck. She is so pretty that she doesn't need makeup at all. Her golden hair, sparkling green eyes, beautiful Greek nose, Rosy lips, pale fair skin, body like a mermaid and the mole under her left eye makes her beauty like a goddess. Normally boys look at her while she walks on the road but she ignores it because she had faced this problem from her university days till now. But cassia always took her side and supported her. They are always like BFF. So after that, she put her identity card and placed her finger on the 7th elevator button. The door opened at the boss's office. She knocked on the door. He said, " Come in". She went in. Michele's cheeks blushed in pink because he never felt this way for any girl. Michele said " Lisa listen carefully
1) At 10:00 am you have to bring black coffee without sugar.
2) At 11:30 you have to bring some meat sandwiches for me.
3) At 1:00 pm bring I bowl of vegetable soup with some butter on it
At works, I am going to call you. Lisa nodded her head and Michele gave her some works. She was a little confused that is she is a secretary or a waitress. He showed her a room which is same exactly as his room. This room was also made of glass. It was just made of glass to keep a contract with her and nothing else. She went into the room and started to do the works. Michele was also working but also looking at her beautiful face and her rosy lips. She did all the tasks like giving the coffee then sandwiches then the soup. It was her first day but now it was not so easy as she thought. So it was no lunch break. She was so hungry that she could even eat up a horse. So she quickly went into the cafeteria and brought some chicken pasta. She phoned cassia but she told she will not eat today in the cafeteria because she had brought some food from home and a lot of work is left so she won't come. But a girl came next to her and started talking with Lisa. Her name was Sophia. She is straightforward and a caring girl. She is too good all handling friendships and relationships. Unknowingly Sophia was also a colleague of cassia. Which Lisa heard and became happy. She took her number. But as Sophia was found to start the conversation then Michele called. He said, " Come now I have to explain to you some works " . Lisa said her that boss was calling her after saying this she left the cafeteria. Lisa became a little embarrassed and irritated but she controlled herself. Michele said " You and me we have to go to the file room. Many files are jumbled so we are going to arrange it. They are important documents of our company. Lisa agreed and went with him. They both went into the room. Michele locked the door with a key and grabbed her from the back. What will happen next? I am going to write it very soon. For now byeeee.

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