

Aye after school you go beat him up. If his brother want to fight I got your back bra."Franchie"he's taller than I am.so bra don't drop your head.don't swing wing hit him in his face and head only.bra you got to go hard."E" you got to get it in with him he steal your field trip money bra.you act like I'll mama got it we both was hungry last night."franchie"I can just go tell the teacher he stold my money "e"said.bra that's telling my big brother and his homeboys will punish me if I ever tell."franchie"said and you my friend so I'm not going to let you tell either bra.aye "e" bra if you that scared I'll shot the round for you bra said "franchie" but he's taller than you bra.said "e"bra I don't care bout no that.I got you after school.I'll get.that round for you bra said franchie.just be on point cause he got a brother.don't stand there and let thim.gang me."e" I got you bra you real bro.naw I'm soild said "franchie"..we had 10minutes until school got out.I tied my shoes tite as I could.I told. "E" to do the same.the bell ring I looked at "e" said it's time bra..2 soon as me and "e"made it out side we saw "nitty" aye bra we gotta shot that round said I "franchie" for what asked "nitty" cause you stold."e" money and I'll people can bearly feed us at night.you take bra field trip money."nitty" started laughing why can't he fight me?he know I got his bread.said "nitty" cause that my lil bra.I swong a punch at "nitty" I missed."franchie" you try to steal me bra.said "nitty"fuck that let's go "nitty"roar.they we were throwing blow for blow.I hit him he hit me.we fought for so long and hard.the school teachers came running out.the building breaking up the fight.me.green."aka"franchie.Mr.Williams"aka"nitty.you to are in big trouble.tired out of breath."franchie" he hit me first I lied.he's lying said"nitty" I don't care.yelled ms.water's.I'll 5th grade teacher.both of you to.the principal office now.she said.this ain't over said "nitty" to "franchie"I get off on you said"franchie" lol.yea round two when we get back in the hood said "nitty"to "franchie".me "e" and "nitty"was from.the same hood called the money Macon.we were all cool.me and "e" was close tho.he slept to my house I slept to his house.when my mom cooks.I always make sure"e"had something to eat if he needed it."e" do the same for me.so it angered me to know "e" field trip money got took.we were going to the Columbia zoo.Friday we talked about this trip for so long.we couldn't wait now his field trip.money was stolen.once we reached the principal office.ms.water's told the principal.what she saw me."franchie" on top of "nitty" hitting him.I yelled she's lying.quite said our principal.ms.goodie your in very big trouble.Mr.green said ms.goodie the principal.I stood there quite.as she told me.my punishment."ms.goodie"Mr.green I'm suspending you for 3days.you can't not go to the field trip.Friday said "ms.goodie".but ms.goodie that's not fair said "franchie" you don't know what happened.well what happened Mr.green asked ms.goodie?nothing I said I couldn't tell I have to stick.to the code never tell.said "franchie" to ms.goodie.I hope the code you talking bout Mr.green is worth.your suspension and.the lost of your field trip said ms.goodie.I said nothing just stood there.After my mom was called and I received a write and the fight and my suspension.I was free to walk home as I walked.down the hall I saw"nitty" standing the hallway.talking to our teacher ms.water's he flicked me off as I looked his way.I continued walking down the hallway to the school exit. As I walked out side there was."e" standing there eye's full of tears.what's wrong man I asked."e" no one's has ever stood up for me like that "franchie"said"e".I got wrote up suspended for 3days.no field trip also.what man said "e" I'm going to the teacher what happened.said "e" no what's done is finish it won't change anything said "franchie".but it's not fair said "e" we talked bout the zoo for months.now you can't go all because of me"e" cryed.look "e"said "franchie" now we can not turn back the hands of time.my brother told me never break the code.so we can't tell I'll be ok said franchie.deep down inside I wanted to cry.but I couldn't let my friend see me weak.my mom always told me never let anyone see you cry.cause they will feel your weak and pray on you."franchie"now what do we do cause I still lost don't have field trip money and now you can't go I don't want.to go if you can't come.plus I don't.have the money said"e" yo "e"I'll give you mine bro so you can go I'll catch it the next time..tears slowly driped down "e" face."franchie"your my brother said"e" I don't care what.nobody say your my friend until the end.I'll do anything for you I hope we can be friends and stay together for life.said"e" me to said "franchie" yo "e" what's up brother said "e"to "franchie"I want to beat "nitty" ass again.said "franchie".no said"e" now this where we lose at.if you to keep fighting it's not going to solve anything said."e" you right said "franchie" plus you got off on him.said "e" and if you to fight In the hood you could go to jail.said "e" but he told me when we get In the hood we gotta shot another round.said "franchie" I'll solve this one said "e".how asked "franchie"just watch "e" as we turned the corner setping on or block.called Kraft.ave."Franchie" once me nd "e" got home I went in the house.to change clothes cause mom would yell.if my clothes was all dirty and smelly.after I change my uniform.I went outside me and "e" talked for a while about.what we plan on eat.I told "E" my mom went to work she didn't cook."e"told me his mom fryed chicken and red rice.I told "E" fix me some.so we went back to "e" house and played his PlayStation.I ate every last bite so good "e" said "franchie" anytime you my brother said"e"..hey "e" asked "franchie" what are we going to do about."nitty"asked "franchie"? Just set here said "e".as I waited "e"came out the back room with a gun in hands.omg said "franchie" as "e" showed him a small 6shot 32.pistol.where you get that from"e" asked"franchie"it's my moms said."e" she has it cause her last boy friend use.to beat her up.said"e" I always wish I was bigger so I could help her said"e".you go shot him asked "franchie" no said "e" I'm going to kill him...omg said"franchie"you can't bro.you will go to jail for the rest of your life said "franchie" no I won't I'm 13 lil mall and rell killed.someone they only got do until there 21.said "e" plus I need to get bigger and learn to fight.said "e" I don't think this a good idea said."franchie"let me think this out for you.said "franchie" no nothing to talk about said"e" you lost field trip and you get suspended.for 3days and you know your mom.is gonna beat you.said"e".ok so what "franchie" said I can't let you do that.I need you my best friend I'll think of a plan.let me sleep on this.we have to stay focused.a little fight ain't nothing said"franchie"you wanna kill him.I can't lose you bra go put that gun up.before somebody gets hurt.ok bro said"e"I'll be back I'm going on redwood to "chucky"house I'll be back bra."chucky"was 16 3years older than me and."e"chucky" sold weed he was all bout that money.as I got on redwood I saw "nitty" and his brother "Ron"my heart pound so fast but I couldn't.turn back or run away I had to keep walking.I had to think fast cause.I'm alone and it's"nitty" and his brother two other guys.I never saw before so I thought fast.I walked towards "nitty" hey we have to talk now.it's very important.nigga talk we bout to beat you bra said "nitty" man "e" got a gun and he wants to shot you said"franchie"..man wtf said"nitty" yes I came down here to make peace.I know we fought but that's over with.I respect you bro "franchie" said as he reached out.to shake "nitty" hands."nitty" looked at "franchie" for a second then.grabed "franchie"hands hard I respect you to bro you fight for your homeboy.you soild bra said"nitty" to "franchie"Aye "franchie" so what we gonna do about "e" cause I ain't know he feel like that over 7.50$ stated "nitty" bra shit tuff you know? Me and "e" share food all the time cause our mom don't have money like that.he was almost unable to get the field trip money.you stole it from him."franchie"told "nitty"dam I ain't look at it like that bro.said "nitty"well can you tell "e"I'm sorry and i have 7.00$ I can give him asked"nitty"bro I'm go holla at "e" cause I can I got a plan for us said "franchie"I want a soild line up.I know you have heart.so does "E" put us together well have a nice team.I'm bout to roll out "franchie" stated as I walked back to my side of town.kraft ave I started to feel power.loyalty is hard to find.so many people will turn on you.I learned a lot watching my brother and his crew.my mom always worked two jobs.just to make sure me and my 3brothers and 3sister have what we needed.I'm the youngest so I had older pair's to learn from.my father was never in my life.it ment no mind tho my mom.did a great job.Yoo "e" I yelled as I knocked on his door.he finally came to the door.my bad bra said "e" this the deal I holla at "nitty" bruh ain't want no smoke he told me to tell you.he's sorry and he'll give you your money back.dam said"e" did y'all fight again asked"e"naw said "franchie" he wanted to but we talked I told him how you feel.that's Times are tuff and we.can't afford to take any losses.he felt my pain and he humble up to what I was saying.he said he wanted to be or friend.I told him it's cool he can join us.cause I know he's a real dude bro.how you feel bout it?asked " franchie" I'm down with you bro said"e"