

Third World Britain
We used to fly the flag with pride but it's now in tatters, today I've sat in a fourth floor ward that has more mice than patients, one actually ran across my foot.
We have more people on the streets than ever before begging from people that can barely afford to put food on their own tables while juggling what bills they can pay this month.
Fuel prices rise and fall daily, while gas and electricity bills are as expensive as the mortgage many can no longer achieve on their affordable housing project that's built on a flood plain or sinking landfill site.
Everyone is being bullied into owning an electric vehicle, a joke in itself as the national grid hasn't got the infrastructure to support this, even if you can purchase one you're very likely to severely damage it on the potholed surfaces that used to pass as carriageways.
More people than ever are swallowing antidepressants like sweets, hoping that it's just a bad dream and Britain is still Great, will I'm sorry to disappoint you but Britain is Broken.

© The Imposter 💚🙏