

Madly in love 🫀

warning ⚠️ this story has violence, kissing, heart break, and etc

chapter 4

camp Lacey

you guys want to help out at the camp for disable kids called "camp Lacey " and remember your Jaiden.

"Jaiden: love are you ready?""yea I am !!"yelled Alyssa "ok let's go the cars already started!" . You guys were headed to camp Lacey on the way you guys stopped at a local gas station to get gas , snacks and use the bathroom. Alyssa bought the snacks and you filled the gas you both used the bathroom and while coming back to the car you and Alyssa switch places you went in the driver's seat and Alyssa went in the passenger seat and you guys headed to the camp . Tyler the creator, are we still friends played on the radio," Alyssa:are we almost there?" " Jaiden Yea were here "WELCOME TO CAMP LACEY" the sign read, "camp counselor : Hi I'm Ronnie Coleman and I am the camp counselor are you Alyssa and Jaiden? ""yea we are you are?" "Ronnie honey " Ronnie said while winking " hey he's eyes are up here not down there " said Alyssa angrily . After they got everything out of the car in too the cabin they talk for a little and something Alyssa wanted to say come out. "Alyssa: I wanna try ..""Jaiden: wanna try what love?""to have a baby ..." said Alyssa "J: are you sure ? " "A: Yea ..." "ok " said Jaiden" A: Really?" "Yea " "ok"

stay tuned for more!!!

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