

The Maize Field: Chapter 5

However, Aron felt the pressure and his father totally forgot about the goats as his new lover Miss Susan was keeping him as busy as the bees in the honeycomb making lovey-dovey while Aron had to take over the full care of the goats before and after school regardless he had to put less work in the goats and focus more in his school work. And the pressure was killing his school work even the teachers promised to take away the scholarship hoping that he will be motivated to stop whatever that was destructing his school work. His father received many letters from the school board and other teachers were dealing with Aron’s scholarship urging him to take a serious focus on his son’s performance regarding his school activities but the father never returned the letter at all. So Aron chose his future more than his father’s goats because he noticed that his father was kind of blinded by love more than the more important things in his life. Well... I am not saying that love is not important but he knew before he met Susan he had a life and I guess meeting Susan made him forget all of that anyway for as matter of fact Susan did nothing besides falling in love with a man who will eventually forget his life and be brainwashed by the two minutes’ moments of love with Susan. Simon as he wasn’t noticing that his actins were affecting his only child and only son but he cared about his happiness and his son gave him the gratitude hoping that he won’t turn against him but... he did exactly what he was worried about. So for couple months of Aron’s endorsement hoping that his father will change his actions even the other people in the village were starting to realise...