

The Stranger
Afraid to look, but unable to resist, Lela slowly turned her head towards the window. There, illuminated by flashes of lightning, stood a figure cloaked in shadows. A figure that seemed to waver and shift, as if not quite solid.

Lela's breath caught in her throat as she realized that this was no trick of the light, no product of her imagination. The visitor was real, and it was here in her room, its eyes fixed on her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Lela and the visitor regarded each other in silence. And then, with a suddenness that made Lela gasp, the figure began to fade, its form dissolving like smoke in the wind.

As the last traces of the visitor vanished into the night, Lela was left alone once more, trembling and bewildered. Was it a ghost, a spirit from another realm, or simply a product of her overactive imagination?

One thing was certain - the visitor had left its mark on Lela's mind, a haunting presence that would linger long after the storm had passed. And as she lay in the darkness, listening to the fading echoes of the night, she knew that some mysteries were meant to remain unsolved, their secrets hidden in the shadows of the unknown.
© Simrans