

The Boy's parents were frantically searching for him but to no avail, one minute he was beside them as they fed coins into the arcade machines trying to win little Tommy some worthless trinkets .Suddenly David asked his wife Sue where's Tommy, she shook her head and started screaming her Son's name.
That was ten years ago to the day, Tommy would be eighteen now if he's still alive, his father David has never given up hope, unfortunately the uncertainty and guilt got the better of Sue, within six months of the tragic day she swallowed a cocktail of tablets, David found her dead, hanging from the rafters in the loft.
David awoke in a psychiatric hospital after that episode of his life but soon his determination to find his Son was fully in his focus again, he would search everywhere far and wide but to most it would appear futile.
On a hot summer's day David was walking down the high street not far from where Tommy disappeared when across the road he saw an older version of his son, he shouted Tommy's name, the young man looked across at the shouting man, David ran out into the road straight under the wheels of a lorry, the young man rushed to his aid, the last words David heard " I knew you wouldn't give up until you found me dad "
The End

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