

The Cup… it’s been a while I have not been drinking from THIS CUP… spiritually and literally.

Literally speaking is that it’s my favorite cup I used to use every day when I was running my nursery garden shop. Then it was packed a few months ago after I sold my business, moved things back and put away since I’ve never seen, used or drunk from it again; even though I drink coffee every day, until a few days ago

Spiritually likewise, it’s been a long time I have not been drinking ‘from this cup; a cup before The Presence of God’.

Many mornings I may thought of Him, whispering prayers and sayings while having coffee but barely taking time engaging into worshiping, thanking, hearing and learning from Him.

All the sudden, this is it, this is the day, it’s a redemptive moment upon my life!

The coffee was out and I gained such revelation about my life over those many years passed!

Only GOD can fulfill this cup! Every cup He serves is new, fresh and delicious. All I have to do is bringing self to His Table…where He waits to pour into my cup! Just that but sees how many I have missed out!

God fills up my cup and desires me to enjoy what inside the cup with no fear, worries and concerns. HE has enough and more to fill for me. My daily and each empty cup is the opportunity for His fresh refilling… likes daily manna from heaven I supposed to finish them daily not keeping it overnight…

What has happened to me was last time my cup is filled to the brim; fresh with sweet delicious aroma… then I became lingering somehow not wanting to finish the cup but slowly sipped it…may be just sniffed and licked instead of drinking it per se! What inside the cup stayed overnight, many nights, months and years… to the point it's being put away because of the strange to rotten taste. That’s where I’ve left off, forgot and lost.

Against all odds, I was leading back to the Place I’ve been longing for… His Table!

I believed God orchestrates things around me always and until a couple of days ago I had to unpacked some stuff and got my coffee cup out cleaning and placed it to where I could reach and use it again.

Last couple of days I’ve been drinking from it but just now I have got my moment and noticed the different taste... its Fresh, richest with Aroma and meaningful inside of me.

Then I’ve realized the Table and Presence around! I am back to His once again…not by my own strength but I knew it was HIM who’ve picked me up and place me back with that empty cup in my hands… to be filled and fulfilled!

Only God can do that, and this time HE wants to make sure I learned how to Enjoy the cup; Daily Fresh Cup that is poured from His Hands!

Remember He serves me for He loves me. He is my God, my Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Coach and Friend; Best Friend!

HIS cup fills with comforts, happiness, joy, hopes and dreams. Yes, hopes and dreams I have been forgotten, given up and finally not dared to!

GOD is here at His table, pouring into my cup and reminding me of all that hopes, dreams and promises! It’s been lost and gone from my hearing for such long time…

Thank you Lord Jesus, I am enjoying this cup so much and exciting to finish it with less fears, worries and concerns! I’ll drink it all in so I; me and my cup, will be ready to be filled again.

Thank you for embracing my emptiness! And welcoming the empty cup; literally and spiritually.

© TK🐱2020

#insights #Revelation #experiencingGod