

A Spider's Broken Heart
I was Jenna's boyfriend and Spiderman. I was planning on breaking up with her, because she wasn't the person I fell in love with anymore. Her personality changed drastically and she was really distant and secretive. I decided to end our relationship as we walked out of school one Friday afternoon.

"I don't understand why you're doing this to me." Jenna asked,tears forming. "You're not the Jenna I fell in love with. You're so distant and secretive,and I think I'm loosing feelings for you. I'm really sorry." I replied. She didn't say anything but just ran off crying. Kids from my school stood looking at me. A kid from my class, Stanley stood with a small group of kids and laughed at me. "You really fucked up!" he said laughing. "You're not getting her back!" "Shut up, Stanley!" I shouted back and walked home alone,upset about what I just did. I hurt the one person I didn't want to hurt.

I thought about what I did for the rest of the day since I got home. I felt really bad. I ignored my family and locked my bedroom door so I could be alone. I didn't eat dinner because I fell asleep on my desk while I was doing my homework. When I woke up,I tried to remember what happened and how I fell asleep,when I remembered that I had a dream of Jenna. We were looking into each other's eyes,and leaned in for a kiss,but I was woken up by my mom banging on my door to ask if I was okay. "Yeah!" I shouted,still half asleep. When I checked the time,it was almost 9 PM. I tried to go back to sleep but I kept thinking about Jenna,how much I missed her,her beautiful smile,her brown eyes. I realised that I made a big mistake, because I knew that I still love her,and that I'll never stop. I decided that I'd sneak out to her house to talk to her.

I waited until my mom,dad and my sister were all asleep before I put my Spiderman suit on and took my bag with a sweatshirt and sweatpants and swung to Jenna's house. I changed into the sweatshirt and pants in a nearby bush before going up to the house and knocking on the door. I waited as i saw the passage light turn on and heard the door unlock. Her dad must have seen me through the peephole, because he answered the door with a hunting rifle in his hand. "What do you want? Better make it quick 'cause you hurt my baby girl and Im trying not to hurt you,so hurry up. " he said, loading a bullet into the chamber. "Can I speak to Jenna, please? I need to make things right." I asked,my voice slightly wavering. "No you cannot." Her father replied and proceeded to close the door. Jenna's mother overheard our conversation and went to fetch Jenna. "Now hold on now, honey,let the boy speak to her. He seems really upset about the whole thing and wants to apologize." she said before opening the door again and speaking to me. "Jenna will be down in a minute,come on in." she said and let me in. "Thank you,Ms Johnson."I said and followed her to the living room. Jenna came down a few minutes later.

"Whatever it is you want to say,I'm not going to listen. You wasted your time coming here,I don't want to hear what you have to say so just go home." "Please,just listen. I made a big mistake breaking up with you,and I regret it. I miss you so much,I fell asleep and dreamt about you. It was a mistake,I know that,but I really need you back. Please." "You're the one who broke up with me. I don't know if I can trust you not to break my heart again. Sorry." she said before turning around to walk back to her room. But I wasn't going to let her go again. I activated my web shooters before pulling Jenna to me and kissing her. Wait, you're Spiderman?" she asked after I broke the kiss. "I'm really sorry. Can we try again?" I asked,tears starting to form. "Sure. I missed you so much." she said crying tears of joy. "Me too." I replied and kissed her again.

We then went to explain to her parents that everything was sorted out,and I apologize to them for hurting Jenna. They said it's ok,as long as it doesn't happen again. Jenna asked if it was ok for me to stay over at her house for the night. "What about your mom and dad, sweetie?" Ms Johnson asked. "Is it okay if you drive me home early tomorrow morning? I'll explain everything when I get there." i said, knowing I'd be grounded for a week. "No problem,son." Mr Johnson said and shook my hand. "I'm glad I didn't have to use the rifle." he said and laughed. I laughed awkwardly and looked at Jenna. "Don't worry,he wasn't actually going to shoot you. " she said giggling. We all laughed before going to bed. I cuddled with Jenna for an hour before we went to sleep.

Early the next morning,Mr Johnson drove me back home. My parents saw me get out of the car and immediately came outside to scold me. "You're in big trouble,young man!" my mom shouted and grabbed my arm. "Where were you last night?" my dad asked, pulling my mom off my arm and calming her down. I explained what happened between me and Jenna and told them that I snuck out to go see her. "Next time,you let us know that you're going out,got it?" my dad said. "Promise." I replied. "Well you're still grounded for a week for sneaking out,but Jenna can still come over." my mom said, finally calm. "Thanks mom." I said and smiled. "Now come on,you have to get ready,school starts in an hour. " my mom said hurrying everyone inside. "Got it. See you Saturday Mr Johnson!" I shouted as I ran inside,up the stairs Andi to the bathroom. When I left to go to school,I saw Mr Johnson's car in front of our drive way. I saw him wave at me before Jenna got out. I smiled and walked over to her before kissing her. "We came to pick you up." she said smiling. I thanked Mr Johnson and said goodbye to my parents before we drove to school. When we got out of the car,some kids were shocked to see us walking together and holding hands. Stanley stood with his mouth open,more shocked than everyone else. "Suck it, Stanley!" I said and laughed as Jenna and I walked past him. Since then,our relationship was stronger than ever.