

Facebook Horror

Social media it's a boon at the same time it is a curse for us.

This story is about my friend. Her name is Maya.

She used to chat with many friends in her Facebook chat.

Oneday one guy proposed her and he asked her to Marry him. But she doesn't know remember this guy. So she was confused and tried to remember. But she couldn't identify this guy. She asked him, " Who are you?. I don't remember you."

Then he replied, " How can you tell like this. I am your childhood friend. My name is Ritesh. We met in schooling. Then as I shifted from that place , I couldn't be in touch with you. So finally I found in facebook. I was in love with you since from my childhood. I don't want to miss you again. Can we Marry?. Are you in love with me? Do you remember me?. Why are you silent reply me."

She couldn't remember him or his name, so she didn't reply. She just signed out from facebook and she slept.

Next day morning as usual she went to office. Her days in office went well.

She left her office bit late as she got some work to finish. While she was returning from office, suddenly a guy jumped nowhere in front of her.

She was scared to see him. She asked him, " Who are you?. What do you want?."

That guy told " I am your childhood friend, we just msged in facebook. Do you remember me?".

She was scared much. She don't have any idea about this guy. She replied him, " I don't remember you. just leave me alone."

He didn't leave. He again asked her to get marry. She got frustrated and started to run from that place. That guy also followed him. She finally reached her home and locked the door.

Her heart beats too fastly. She couldn't control her fear and started crying.

Suddenly from her laptop araise a voice , "marry me , marry me, marry me , otherwise I will kill you".

She slowly got and searched her laptop. It was in the hall.

She opened her laptop and had a look.

Suddenly a hand came out and hold her neck. She couldn't hold her breath and finally dead.

Then after her death they invistigate her case. They identified that this guy has loved her from her childhood, but she didn't notice him much because she was loving another guy. He committed suicide.
#Writing #writco #writer #horrorstory #facebook #mystery-thriller
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