


The concept of ‘love’ is one that has lived with man for such a very long time now. Notwithstanding the fact of this long period of mutual(?) co-existence, man has neither understood its source nor is he fully familiar with its meandering.

But how did love first come into play within the realm of human interactions? I mean, who invented love? This I do not know. If I had known, I would have listed him amongst the greatest inventors of all times. I say ’him’ because I am so certain it was a man. No woman would have thought of such things and even if she did, she would have thought twice before mentioning it.

Although the woman has come to be the greater beneficiary of the modern clone of the concept, uncertainty and slack-footedness would probably have prevented her from venturing into the open with such an untested idea. But man at that time was more bold, more daring and adventurous, especially if such ventures were, in his thinking, to the good of the woman created for him.

The original concept of love was truly pristine and illuminating. It was invented as a tool to create the balance between man and woman. Such balance was necessary because, since man was created with great power and strength, he would have become self-destruct without a weakling into which he could civilly empty his excess energy. Love was therefore the tool to tame man’s power; to teach him the civil use of his strength; to direct his passion to create and not destroy; to procreate and not be extinct; to warm and not burn; to build and not pull down; to gather and not scatter. Love was to teach man how to apply power gently and positively.

For this reason a weak woman was created for him. She was the reservoir into which man was to empty his extra power lest he be consumed by it, and the empty woman needed the man’s fullness to fill her void . She needed his strength to survive the harsh environment, and he needed her weakness to reduce and control his excesses.

The man’s strength was for protection and security. He was the military and she was his territory, such that without the military the territory is vulnerable, and without the territory the military is without relevance. While the 'cold' woman needed the heat generated by the man’s power for her warmth, the 'hot' man needed her to cool his furnace. The vague woman needed the man to give her an identity, while the definite man needed her to expand and explain his definition. The man, created from the earth, needed the woman to reach the heights, and the floating woman needed him to cover the grounds. Relationship was give-and-take: the man had the tangibles and the woman the intangible.

Love was the nozzle of transfer. It was the software that made the tough man capable of handling the soft woman without breaking her. The man was the first and the woman the last, but love came in as the continuum (life without end). Indeed, the original love was good, it was beautiful. Can you see it? Man:- too strong, too aggressive, too powerful, too full, too hot, too grounded, definite. The woman:-too weak, too soft, too empty, too cold, vague, floating, terminal. Love:-the blender, the balancer, the equaliser, the stabiliser, the binder,the continuator.

The man, on his part, took his task of providing protection for the woman with pre-eminent seriousness, and...