

John Hampstead was lying on his couch and was thinking something with high concentration. I sat beside him to observe his concentration. After half an hour when John opened his eyes, he was surprised by seeing me and said, “Welcome Morish”. I asked him, “What were you thinking”. John passed me a newspaper report which says, “Magic of Duncan”. I asked john, “Who is this Duncan?”. John said, “Duncan is a most famous criminal because of his style of murder”. He understood by seeing my face and said,” Duncan is now in jail but the most stunning fact is that after he went to jail, around twenty people have been murder in the same manner even though Duncan is in jail”. John and I were about to light the cigars, Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I was surprised but John seemed to not. John told, “Mr. Rolf please enter”. Mr. Rolf was the inspector of New York. Mr. Rolf seemed to be surprised and tensed. I knew the reason of surprise but did not know the reason of tension. Mr. Rolf sat on the sofa which was kept near the television. Mr. Rolf started his conversation with us. He said that again there was a murder in the similar manner, and no one is able to find the culprit. John asked,” How is Duncan now?”. Mr. Rolf said,” he is very much fine and is continuously saying that he will never stop”. The police department is confused because Duncan have only one companion and with the orders of Duncan he works and recruit people for work but he himself is in jail then who is passing orders for murder to his companion. John asked Mr. Rolf,” What is the name of the companion?”. Mr. Rolf at first hesitated to say but after listening to the question more than one-time Mr. Rolf spoke. He said,” His companion is Miss Adolfine”. John seemed to be surprised. John said, “Are you sure?”. He continued,” A women is a companion of a criminal”. John asked me,” Morish, can you tell the origin of this name?”. After thinking a while, I told,” Probably, she is Italian”. John said to Morish,” No my dear friend, it is a name of German origin”. John asked Mr. Rolf to take him to the jail where Duncan is taken care off”. John, I and Mr. Rolf went to the jail. Everyone saluted by seeing John, I was also feeling happy by this behaviour of police department towards John. We entered the cell where Duncan was kept. Duncan was sleeping and so John was able to investigate quietly. John saw a bottle of ink. Mr. Rolf immediately stopped from touching the bottle, John was confused by the behaviour and asked for the reason of this act to Mr. Rolf. Mr. Rolf said,” John that doesn’t contain any ink, it’s empty”. He continued,” Duncan has kept juice of onion in it”. John asked” What is the reason for which he has kept onion juice” Mr. Rolf said,” Duncan had told me that he likes the juice of onion to drink”. John was surprised by this news. John suddenly asked,” Is there anyone who comes to meet him”. Mr. Rolf moved his head up and down to show the sign of positivity of the question. Mr. Rolf said,” A women comes to meet him, and she is Duncan’s wife in relation”. John asked,” Do you know who the companion of Duncan is?”. Mr. Rolf said that he has never seen her. John finished his investigation and came out of the cell. At last when we were just about to leave the police station, at that time Mr. Rolf said, “One thing I forgot to tell you, although it is very lame statement but then also I thought to tell you. Duncan used to write letters to his wife and every time the murder takes place after two days of sending the letter”. He continued,” One day, I thought to check the letter, but I found nothing important but then also the same thing happened after two days”. John listened to it and told me to go home, he will come in the evening”. I went home and took some rest. In the evening, John came back and had his supper. I was very eager to know whether he solved the case. So, I asked him, but he said that he is still investigating the case. After supper, John went to his room and sat on the sofa by smoking a cigar. I did not interfere him and quietly went to my room. I am extremely excited about the case but it’s of no use. I read a book and slept. Next morning, I went to John’s room. His room was stinking. I opened the windows and allowed fresh air to enter the room. Suddenly John dialled the phone number of Mr. Rolf and asked him to come to his house. I was sure that John solved the investigation. Mr. Rolf came to our house within few minutes. John asked Mr. Rolf to sit. John told that the lady is his companion and the writing in the letter is different. John asked Mr. Rolf to give the letter to him. John took the letter and hold it over the fire. I and Mr. Rolf were shocked. A brownish colour handwriting was seen in the back of the letter. John told,” Very few people know the fact that the juice of onion can be used as a transparent ink”. He continued, “It’s writing can only be reflected if it is brought near the fire. Mr. Rolf was surprised and went back to the police station to take away the ink bottle. Mr. Rolf called Joh from the police station and said,” You were right Mr. Hampstead, Duncan is shouting as we took the ink bottle”. John kept the phone and asked me to bring a cup of coffee because he is very tired.