

tomorrow #5
" this party is kinda lame" jo said as she looked at me with a bored look."me and Corey will go get some drinks you guys just get to know each other, and the party just started of course its gonna be kinda lame" palms said as she winked at jo. " so what things do you like doing" I asked to lighten up her mood "well I like spending time with my family, how about yourself" jo asked in a happy voice " I like listening to music" I said as I looked over sad saw palms and Corey laughing. "wow alot of people are entering now" jo giggled " yeah" I said in a worried voice as I flash backed of Annabeth talking on the phone. "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED" the dj yelled and played loud party music. "WOOOOOOOOHOOO" palms shouted and danced with Corey and I must say Corey was dancing pretty well. I grabbed jo's hand and got up and we started dancing and doing the conga. then slow music turned on and ko stared right into my soul and grabbed my hands " you know how to slow dance" she said with a smile " heck yeah" I said as I thought of when me and my mom used to dance and we danced together and went in for a kiss but then a gun shot blew out of no where. "POW POW POW" the gunshots went on as people screamed and ran i looked at my bag and sug in it and gave jo my horse man mask and told her to put it on and run and she did just as I said and got out. " JAY" Corey shouted "shhhhhhshush" I whispered "where's palms at" I asked " I have no idea she just disappeared right when the shooting started. "oh no this isn't good, Corey take my gun from my bag" I told him "ok" he said and took it out and tried to shoot one of the horse men "bro there's no amo" Corey said in a horrified voice. "ok let's just run" I told him but right when we got up to run bags went over our heads and we were put in a vehicle

stay tuned for more tomorrow for chapter 5

sorry for the delay of my tomorrow I have been really busy lately
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