

Sand Castle
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge chasing each other through the sandy beaches. Those were the memories that I would never be able to forget. We used to make sand castles for hours and make believe that we were the only rulers of the whole kingdom that we built ourselves. I would never forget any moment I spent with him, my best friend.
Years passed but we never changed.He was still the same. We were still the rulers of our kingdom. He was the king and I was his forever queen.
But right now, as I make one last sand castle, I let the tears be mixed with the sand I mold to make it. I let the cool breeze remind me of all the times I spent with him, here, building the castles of our dreams.
And just as I finish making the castle, the wave takes away the sand castle with it and becomes one, just like the death took him away forever, away from me.
I didn't cry when he took his last breath, but now, I can't stop.

© Rabina_azrael