

I like attention.
Yes, I do.
But it's not the same attention that you and I are thinking. I am not talking about the attention that people take of the face, curvy lips or the perfect sculpted body.
In fact, I crave the attention a human needs.I crave the attention that a person takes of another beyond the physical limits.
I like the attention that a person takes in another human being. I like the attention one gives about how the eyes look sadder than other days.I like the attention someone gives without a question, without asking . I like the attention about the words spoken and how someone remembers it even after a long time. I like the attention about the words written and how it can be so relating to everyone who reads it . And somedays, I crave the attention that says "you are worthy" when one keeps questioning it to himself all the time. I like the attention one gives to another with no expectation in return.
I like the attention about all the details. The way that one gives that leaves no stone unturned or no pages unread, the type that makes heart jump to the throat and that makes soul dance, even with all the chains binding. Craving attention in a way where no chivalry exists, sometimes, it makes me wonder,
"Is it worth it?"
But when I see that jock boy talking excitedly about his favourite flowers and when I see that shy girl smiling from behind the corner of her book, it makes me realise that every little thing is worth it. Everybody is worthy of attention for who they are and everyone is deserving of attention not for only what they look like. There is always something so minutely important about everyone that a simple word can make the whole walls break down.
But importantly, I like the attention where people would never have to question themselves of their worth and existence. Sometimes, attention exists in details whereas somedays, it exists in the silent corner of the heart that is struggling. All it takes is an eye that can see, a heart that can feel and a step that is needed to take.
Now, tell me, am I wrong?
© Rabina_azrael