

The Silencer - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - The Pattern

That has to be incorrect, Mads.."

"The book says he has no relatives., maybe he is just the odd one out?" She said.

"That could be true, maybe he's like the joker of the card deck or something," I reassured.

"Either way we need to find a pattern, something that tells us what order he is killed in," I stated.

"What are names again?" I asked.

"It can't be about their names, it's not alphabetic in any way." She exclaimed.

I started to think until an idea came to me.

"Wait, Mads can you tell me the name of the dorms in orders of the kills?" I asked.

"Alpha, for both Carl and Lizzie, Gamma for Mike, Mylo was in dorm Delta, Rose was in Zeta, and Faith was, um...F-faith w-was in dorm Eta." She began to cry.

I got up to hug her while processing the information.

Madeline's cries ended and I returned to the opposite side of the bench.

"Madeline!, I found out the pattern!" I squealed.

"Really,! Well, spill it already then!" She urged.

"What is the name of all the dorms here?" I asked just to be sure.

"Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Episilon, Zeta-"

"Then I'm right!" I interrupted.

"The dorm names aren't random, they are the greek letters of the alphabet! He is killing in the order of the dorms!" I announced.

"Are you sure, I always thought that those were random?" She murmured.

"And, why didn't he kill anyone from dorm Beta and Epsilon?" She asked.

"Because there is no one from the survivors of the fire that are in those dorms," I stated.

"It makes sense, Bryer if your right the next victim should be Angel Jolee, she lives in Dorm Theta," She added.

"We need to tell this information to the police!" I urged.

"I-I don't think that that is such a good idea, Bryer.." Madeline started.

"I mean, look at what the silencer did to Rose after she told the policemen his gender." She explained.

"I guess you have a point, maybe we should wait until we have something more solid, but until then we should keep an eye out for Angel. If we're right, she's next." I said.

"We should head back, the library is about to close and we have classes tomorrow, you haven't even unpacked yet." She stated.

"But we still haven't found out silencers killing time pattern yet, or why the hell he is killing relatives of the survivors much less who he is!" I complained.

"One thing at a time Bryer, it looks to me that his killing time pattern is random and we can find out about the rest later." She replied.

We both headed back to the dorm to find our dormmates on the sofa with some clothing and books.

What grabbed my attention was the note in Lyla's hand that read,

'You're next!'"

"Finally you dimwits are back, we found some stuff and snatched them before the police arrived," Lyla explained.

"Why didn't you just give the cops?" I asked.

"Oh, and what fun would that be new girl? plus we would be in big trouble if Ingred found us lurking around a crime scene don't yah think?" She taunted.

"Look Bryer, we found this note and some other interesting things," Allie said.

"Can you show me them?" I asked

"Of course but we gave some info too." Austin stepped in.

"F-faith's dormmates told me that she has been paranoid for the entire week before she died." Asher stuttered.

"It was like she knew what was coming," Allie said.

"We were umm..ah.. all wondering why, when L-Lyla stumbled upon this note, under Faith's bed." Asher stammered.

"I caught a glimpse of it, can I have it Lyla?" I asked her wondering why the hell she was sitting there with it in her hand.

"I still don't get why these fools trust you," she declared giving the death stare.

"I mean you just came into this hell hole conveniently enough, when murders started to happen," she continued.

"And you are helping us without anything in return," She snapped.

"They're telling you this intel when it could be you." She pointed at me, gripping the note with a death grip.

"I know you don't trust me Lyla and I understand, but I am helping you guys whether you believe it or not," I started.

"I don't want anything in return because that's how I believe helping others should be," I continued.

"I know that I came here on a suspicious timing, but we all know one thing about the Silencer...he's a guy...and I am most definitely a girl," I continued.

"Plus I've helped in situations like this before, as my dad detective." I finished.

"Fine here it is." She said but something about her stare told me that she was still wary of me.

Thanks for reading💝
© Gabrielle Collins