

"I am damn tired", he said!
When he said i m fucking tired. He meant that. But no one understood. No one could feel his pain. No one could understand the rift in his mind. He desperately needed a break. But being a man break was not meant for him.

What do you do apart from your job? See your mom, wife and sister. They manage home, office, kids and much more. To this verdict he literally sat and started questioning himself.

Am I not worthy enough? Am I not doing any great? He started thinking. He deep dived into his life till the date and the conclusion was breath taking.

He started from childhood, teens, college, 1st day at job, girlfriend, marriage, dotting father and list continues. He did his best.

His deeds were not being acknowledged. He did his best but as he had a line of friends, it was taken for granted that he only enjoys his life.

His condition was hidden. His love was massive but he could not express. He did everything he could, in the end he did nothing was the notion.

He was engrossed with such thots and suddenly the beep! beep! beep! sound came.
Everything halted in that room.
Every eye was soaked.
His last words were, " I am tired and now i m fired from the game of life. Do not miss me as i m not worthy but believe me i did my best."
© divyasingh