

I have a.......? Part 1
Strolling down the street after a busy day, Stella was enjoying the wind playing with silky hair.She was heading back to her home after being done with her job.
Stella Henry, an university student doing a part time job as a part of her year end project.Her life is like a free bird who doesn't knows when it will get cagedcaged. She lives away from her parents for acquiring higher education.Her family is her parents and someone else maybe. She reached home plopping on the couch she let out a sigh, and took a look at the project files she kept on the table alongside saying she will do that after sometime, but guess what just like everyone else e her ' after sometime' never came.Gathering up all the leftover motivation she headed to her bedroom for completing her work. And slept after she was done.
The new day came into being, but Stella, she seemed to be still in her deep slumber. waking up she got fresh and left for her university. The day went by today she need not go to her part time job as there was a holiday for God knows what reason, but she was happy that she would be able to have a date night with her couch, television and a bag of chips. Well Stella being a single fairy she had no one who could boss her around. But her singleness was interrupted with a knock on her door. Surprising, cause it was 9pm too late, isn't it? Not giving much thought she got up groaning a little and took a pan from the kitchen for her so called 'self defense'. opening the door she was surprised to see a mailperson not looking much of mailperson . At this hour? The mailperson didn't speak much gave her the letter and went away leaving Stella dumbfounded like she already is. why would someone send her a letter is all she could think. She opened the letter it was brief enough.It said 'Meet me at the corner of the street', she was stunned after reading it.
She went to the couch. Wondering should she really go like the letter said. Stella being Stella, got up from the couch and went in her room to get her overcoat and took the letter with her too.
She reached there, but before she could do anything , with a force she was pulled in the alley. She bit the person's hand. She asked no she shouted at the person for the stunt he just pulled on her.
The man removed his mask, o so handsome she drooled forgetting for she had come. The person spoke "Hey Stell", and that's it Stella went pale, no got her system hanged
She couldn't believe what she just heard because she was called by this name only by one person and that was her......
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