

A Date with Books
Never thought I would publish my own book one day!

"There are books of the same chemical composition as dynamite. The only difference is that a piece of dynamite explodes once, whereas a book explodes a thousand times."

••~Yevgeny Zamyatin

Reading maketh a full man.With our attention getting multitasked,
the retention span is getting shorter
and shorter.
The bookshelf in one's room tells more about the person than the person himself. But bookshelfs being shelved in favour of e-books and pen drives, what is driving one to read is difficult to figure out. Reading may not be extinct and I hope not that the books should become extinct one day.
So published both the versions of my First Book.

Good Morning,Friends!

Remembering all the authors that made a difference in my thought, speech, work and way of life! Sharing my all time favorites authors in various fields

- John Steinbeck , W. Somerset Maugham , Ernest Hemingway ,
George Bernard Shaw, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda,
Munshi Prem Chand, Isaac Asimov, Eckhart Tolle, Osho,
Robert H. Schuller, James Redfield, Neale Donald Walsch,
Spencer Johnson, Ken Blanchard, Stephen C Lundin and others (Fish series ), Stephen R. Covey, Peter F.Drucker, Jack Welch, & so many others.
Share your favourite author!
© ashok"anubhav"