

It's happening again, the path I shouldn't take, I am walking through it once more. I have built a life based on not taking thoughtless chances, yet there I go. Turning like a Ferris wheel spinning in the same direction. Without exceptions, the blankets of temptations overpowering, disrupting established rules. Like the storybook fable explaining what happens, taking unadvised chances will do. Life lessons are developing inside out, awakening habits that were stored away, chained and locked. While the scent of disappointment lingers in subtle waves. Like multiple ripples moving further away. Again I must apologize to myself. For not listening to the intuitive warnings. Suggesting how far I should go. When one step is needed, I find myself after multiple steps facing the unknown. Ignoring the hard work, after many hours building a happy home. Perhaps I am not satisfied with the gentle winds blowing throughout life. Seemingly, I am determined to stray, building noticeable strife. Again. I open my eyes but then. I recall making the same mistakes again.
© Daniel Mason