

The Great Kew Ripoff
# A true story
Today we went to Kew Gardens on the outskirts of London, we are both keen gardeners so thought it would be a nice experience.
I felt ashamed to be English because to start with no underground trains were stopping at Kew Gardens but we only found out because I asked when the next train was only to be told we needed to get a replacement bus, there was no replacement bus, you had to walk a couple of hundred metres turn left, cross the road to get the 110 bus at a stop a hundred metres up the road, the bus came straight away, people fought to board it,we were the last of around forty people standing, there were several school trips going nowhere as there was a shortage of buses.
We eventually got to the gardens, I was totally gobsmacked by the amount of weeds in the borders.
The Palace was a house, food prices extortionate ie sandwiches started at five pounds fifty, small sausage roll or salad eight pound fifty, I hate to think how much for a meal.
We finished in the pagoda and extra cost of four pound fifty each, basically two hundred and fifty three steps up, then the same down, nothing to see on any of the ten floors apart from the view across London that you could see for free from other parts.
I would hate to be a foreigner in London as everyone is trying to rip you off without a care for your welfare.
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