

POV - Rachel hasto

Why can't I sleep now?
Is there something wrong?
I'll just take a look at that window...
Oh no, I didn't close it!
Yes... I'm really afraid to go near this window!
Because... I saw a murderer standing near my window!
He lifted his hand! I saw his axe cutting through human flesh...
Yes... If I remember correctly, I was 17 years old. My new neighbor had just arrived here. He was a middle-aged man with a beautiful wife. It had been one month, but his behavior was so creepy. He loved to kill anything, even dogs or cats. He loved to kill them and use his axe to cut them into pieces. I'm the only one who knows about this because his room window is near my bedroom. I can see everything from here. After that, he started targeting human victims. Missing people were reported in our village, and that day I witnessed it too. He killed his own wife and enjoyed cutting her flesh into pieces.

Then, I was the one who put him in jail. While the police were arresting him, he just smiled towards me. That smile became my nightmare. That's why I'm still afraid to go near that window. I can't sleep now, but after all these years... Why can't I sleep now? Why do I remember that man? The clock ticks at 12:00 am. I hear something! But this sound is familiar. It's coming from that window! I slowly wake up and get closer to the window. Then, I see a man with an axe standing near that window in the moonlight. I see his smile...

My entire body was shaking with fear that day as I was home alone. I didn't know what to do. I closed the window and leapt towards the front door. Luckily, it was locked. Then I heard noises from the back door. Damn... He had already gotten inside my house.

I hid under the bed; it was the only safe place I knew. My only room. The windows were open, and I could jump outside and run away.

But still, with all the fear, I remained quiet. Then heavy footsteps approached the room where I was hiding. I saw heavy boots roaming inside my room.

I could tell that it was that psycho neighbor. He is dumb, but if I play it smart, I can survive here easily. I should call the police and put him in prison for another few years. Suddenly, he stopped roaming. It was like he was focusing on something.

I held my breath for a moment. Then he soon left my room. I heard noises coming from my kitchen and some other rooms. I used that time to escape and then report to the police. When the police came, it was empty. Then my parents came back, and it was a huge fuss for an entire week. No one can find him. His house is empty though.

Days passed, and I still afraid of that window. I locked that window with heavy locks so no one can open it. My parents secured the finger lock settings on my house. I feel so comfortable. Today, I am alone too. I try to focus on sleeping. It's almost 12:00 o'clock.

While I am sleeping, I feel like that window opened again. I slowly open my eyes, and near me, I saw the figure of the psycho neighbor. The moon was shining above him, and I can't move.

He put me on his favorite meat-cutting table. He is sharpening his axe; I know what that's for. At the same time, I know where he was hiding all these days. He was hiding under my bed and survived in my house very cunningly. The shocking thing is that he knows where I hide too.

# I saw his wild eyes burning with thirst for my flesh. Next day, you can't find me because I will be inside that man's stomach. He raised his axe furiously, and I saw his creepy smile on his face. Sadly, that was my final view.

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