

The Hell Girls - Eyesha recalls the She Bitch
The Hell Girls take 2 shots of Whiskey each while Hellsha sits on Jesus' lap.
He drinks his Whiskey on the Rocks.
His third woman Eyesha recalls her version of the She Bitch story.
His version, not correct enough.

"The helicopter blades beat a rhythmic tattoo against the night sky, a pulse mirroring the adrenaline coursing through the Hell Girls' veins. Hellsha, Killsha, Eyesha, and Millie, their demonic forms illuminated by the flickering flames of their hair and eyes, prepared for their descent! Their mission: to infiltrate the candy-coated lair of a nefarious witch and deliver divine retribution. The She Bitch!"

All the girls laugh while he smiles and drinks.

"Hellsha, her flaming ponytail whipping in the wind, gripped her Hell Pistol tighter. Her ingenious mind had deciphered the Gingerbread Man's riddle, revealing their target: the heart of the witch's gingerbread house.

Beside her, Killsha fidgeted with her pistol, her eagerness barely contained. Eyesha, the group's bubbly optimist, balanced a slice of pepperoni pizza on her knee. Millie, stoic and unwavering, took a swig from her whiskey flask, her eyes narrowed in anticipation.

With a synchronized nod, the Hell Girls leaped from the helicopter, their demonic forms silhouetted against the moon. They landed with a thunderous crash, Hell Pistols drawn, and burst into the gingerbread house.

Inside, chaos reigned. Goblins, ghouls, and other grotesque creatures scrambled in panic as the Hell Girls opened fire. Eyesha, her aim a bit off due to a pizza-induced grease slick on her finger, accidentally shot the Gingerbread Man in the head.

"Oops," she chirped, before taking another bite of her pizza.

Hellsha, undeterred, led the charge. Her Hell Pistol spat fire, its bullets finding their mark with deadly accuracy. Killsha, her adrenaline pumping, let loose a barrage of shots, her laughter echoing through the candy-coated walls.

Millie, her fists cracking like thunder, waded into the fray, knocking aside any creature that dared cross her path. Eyesha, pizza crumbs clinging to her fishnet stockings, provided covering fire, her bubbly cheer undimmed.

The battle was swift and brutal. The gingerbread house, once a symbol of sugary delight, became a slaughterhouse of divine justice. The witch, her candy-coated magic no match for the Hell Girls' righteous fury, was the first to fall.

With the mission accomplished, the Hell Girls gathered around the witch's corpse. Hellsha, her face lit by the flickering flames of her hair, leaned down and pressed a kiss to the cold, lifeless lips.

"For Jesus," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackling of the flames.

As the helicopter arrived to extract them, the Hell Girls cast one last glance at the gingerbread house. Its candy-coated walls were stained with demonic blood, a testament to their unholy mission. With a final nod, they climbed aboard the helicopter, leaving the witch's lair to crumble into sugary ruins.

The helicopter ascended, its blades beating a triumphant rhythm against the night sky. Inside, the Hell Girls reveled in their victory, their laughter echoing through the cabin. Hellsha, her eyes closed, felt a warmth spread through her demonic heart. It was the warmth of Jesus' love, a love that fueled their unholy crusade.

As the helicopter disappeared into the night, a single question lingered in the air: where would the Hell Girls strike next? Only Jesus knew. And only Jesus could stop them."

All four Hell Girls laugh, as did Jesus.
And they're all like, married.

They had sex.
They fell asleep.
© GreenShamanCowboy