

Wasted Chance (2)
One week later, I was to travel to London. I had already packed all the things I needed.

"Okay let's go" My dad said

"We are coming" My mother replied

We got into the vehicle and went to the airport.

"Ella don't forget to be of good behavior in your school. You know you have only two years until you graduate. Make daddy proud okay"My dad said

" Okay dad, I won't disappoint you" I said

After the conversation, they dropped me and left. I quickly spotted Jack and went to meet him.

"Jack, it worked" I said happily

"Yes, let's go now" He said smiling at me.

I was so happy. I had missed my flight already. I got to Jack's apartment and went inside.It wasn't as bad as I thought. It had 2 bedrooms, a Kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom. I wondered how he was able to pay for the rent.

"Maybe his parents sends money to him" I thought.

I made dinner for Jack and I. We both ate and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning to find Jack by myside on the bed with his arms wrapped around my waist

"We aren't supposed to be sleeping together since we aren't not married" I thought

I got off the bed and woke him up. I got into the bathroom to take my bath. While I was bathing, Jack suddenly entered the bathroom without knocking

"Woooo why can't you knock" I screamed

"What's the big deal, I just came to take my toothbrush. Anyways you look sexy" He said

" Just get out " I said

After taking my bath, we dressed up , ate our breakfast and left for school. I got to school and my friends saw me, They were amazed because they thought I was already in London

"Ella what are you doing here , you ought to be in London" Lily asked

" Yes Ella what are you doing here"Madison also asked

" look you guys I can explain. I didn't travel okay because I wanted to be with Jack badly so you guys would have to keep this a secret. My parents mustn't know that am still attending this school"I said

" You lied to your parents, I can't possibly do that" Lily said

" So what are you going to do about your results"Madison asked

"Am just going to forge my results and remember it is a secret. If you are looking for me after school,I would be in Jack's house"I said

I left them standing where they were and went to my class for my lectures. After school, Jack and I went home. I cooked dinner and we ate. We decided to watch a movie.

"This movie is really interesting" I said to Jack

"Yes, let's go inside to sleep" He said

" But why" I replied

He didn't say anything further. He just took my hands and put off the TV. He started pulling me inside until we got to the room. He took off his shirt and trousers

"What are you doing" I said

He didn't reply me, He just came closer to me and started kissing me all over my body

"Wait Jack, we are not doing this" I said

"Yes we are" He replied

He took me to the bed, By then I didn't have control over my body again so I decided to give in for him

I woke up the next morning to find out that we were both naked on the bed.

"Jeez what have I done" I thought

I decided to wake Jack up.

" Jack wake up"I said while he grumbled.

Jack was in his final year. We took our bath and left for school after eating.

We got to school and I started ignoring my friends.

"Ella how are you" Lily asked

I just pretended as if I didn't hear her.

"Is she okay" Madison asked

"I hope so" Lily said


My friends didn't even bother talking to me again. I started to feel sick and I went to the hospital

"Madam I don't see anything that is worrying you, I think you should go for a pregnancy test"The doctor said

" Pregnancy test"I thought

I decided to go for the test. After the result was out I decided to check it.

I screamed immediately when I saw the result. I was two weeks pregnant.

"How am I going to tell Jack" I said crying

I got home and decided to tell Jack the news

" I am pregnant" I said

"What!!! No it is not possible, you would have to abort it or leave my house because I can't cater for a pregnant woman"He yelled

" Jack remember you said you were going to marry me and remember you were the one who put the baby in here"I said pointing to my stomach

" Look I don't care because I didn't force you to come here. Only if you were smart enough, you would have travelled to London"He said angrily

" Jack why are you doing this to me"I said weeping and holding his shirt

" Look Ella or what ever your name is called, I have taken enough of this. You would have to leave my house. Go to your parents house"He yelled

" Jack please you know I do not have anywhere to go and I can't go back to my parents house"I said begging him

He didn't even take a pity on me. He went inside, took all my stuffs and threw it out of the house. I cried and cried

After I decided to go to my parents.

"What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be in London or did you leave school"My father asked

I narrated all that has happened to my parents

"So you are pregnant" My mother said angrily

"I am sorry mom and dad, I have learnt my lessons already" I said crying

" I do not have much to say because you have wasted your opportunity and misused your life. So just know that I can no longer cater for your education anymore"My dad said

" Dad please I want to go back to school"I said weeping on the ground

My parents stood up to leave me where I was

" I am so disappointed in you. Look at Sucy your younger sister, she is in Canada studying"My mom said

I regreted my life and regreted being born.

I had already given birth to a boy. I was walking along the street, I saw Lily,she was looking like a rich business woman

"Lily how are you" I said smiling and carrying my baby in my hands

" Ohh Ella how have you been, It has been a long time since we talked" She said

So I decided to narrate everything to her .

" That is so sad" she said

"Yes so how is Madison" I asked

"She went to Florida for her masters degree" She replied

"Okay" I said

She gave me her card and left. I wept so hard and wished I had listened to my friends about Jack. Now my life is over.After much pleadings,My parents enrolled me into a school to study law while I catered for my child. I was in my first year of school while my mates had graduated with jobs.

Hope it was interesting.
