

POV - Isabella Philip

Have you ever had that feeling? Do you ever get the sensation that something is crawling on you?

Yes, I have. It happened when I was seventeen. I was at my grandparents' house around three a.m. when I began to feel something unusual. I couldn't move my body and I felt suffocated. It was sleep paralysis. During that time, I saw a figure crawling out of my wardrobe. It resembled a mummy and crawled onto my bed, then onto my body.

I was startled to see that it looked just like me. I screamed that night, but it slowly disappeared in front of me. When my parents and grandparents arrived, there was nothing left inside the wardrobe. Since that day, I've had a trauma, feeling like something is crawling on me.

I never returned to that house after that night. It's been years since I've been there. I grew up, got married to the man I loved. Eventually, my grandparents passed away. But they left that house to me, the crawler house. I refused to take ownership of the property. However, my parents insisted that I take care of it.

Finally, I went there with my husband after getting pregnant. He loved the house and wanted to do something with it. So, we started living there. For a year, I didn't feel the crawler's presence. But when I gave birth to twins, things got more complicated.

That crawler nightmare returned to haunt me. In the darkness, I feel like it's staring at me and my children. When night falls, the crawler emerges. I talked to my husband about this, but he refused to believe me. He was too focused on providing a secure future for our family.

It happened just as I predicted. One night, through the baby monitor, I saw the exact face of the crawler. I rushed to my children, but they were sound asleep. I then remembered the crawler. The crawler didn't harm me when we first met, but I was terrified nonetheless. What exactly is this?

Then, one day while I was cleaning, a box fell on me. I opened the box and found an old album from my childhood. My mother, father, and I were in the pictures. But what shocked me was seeing my own face in there. It was as if I was closely attached to another baby who looked exactly like me.

I was completely shocked to discover that I had a sister. I immediately called my parents to inquire about it. They confirmed that I indeed had a sister, but she died at a young age. I couldn't believe they had kept this information hidden from me.

That night, sleep eluded me. I looked at my children who were sleeping peacefully. My husband was sound asleep next to me. But there was a crawler above me. This time, I wasn't scared. I called it my sister. The crawler's face then smiled at me.

☠️ THE END ☠️
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