

The haunted house - part one
Sarah pack your stuff we have to leave real quick "
I could hear my dad calling out. I packed my stuff that was left in my tiny room and had a last look at my old tiny room. Although it was a tiny room yet i was emotionally attached to it as it was my first independent room.the house we were moving was larger than this house and my room was going to be larger that ever. I headed downstair and kept my boxes in the wagon. We said a quick goodbye to our neighbours and my friends and with teary eyes ee left for our new chapter.
I was so engrosed in my thoughts that i never realised that we have reached our new house. As i looked at our house the house had somewhat very strange feeling as if the some one is already residing there. We moved our boxes to our rooms and sat down to relax. There.was.something strange about this house as if someone is near us.
I was sitting by the porch and drinking coffee when suddenly i heard some one giggling behind me. I got so scared i just freezed to my seat. I started to shiver so badly due to whichi could not even utter a word. I slowly got up and very carefully turned around to see who was giggling as i turned i could not see anyone. Then suddenly someone again giggled behind me. I got so scared i ran as fast as i could and went to my dads and slept