

The Journal of the Apocalypse (20)
Exhaustion threatens to make me stop but we can't. I run through the long corridors beside Lucas who looks equally as exhausted as me. I cough and taste the stale coppery blood threatening to come up. I must have landed in a bad way when I jumped down from the vent. I thought when I rolled I recovered fine but I must have done something to my ribs. The zoms slowly shuffle behind us moaning and growling softly.
"I guess there done feasting..." I mumble to Lucas
He glances at me.
I cough again and I am forced to stop and lean against the wall, coughing nonstop. Overwhelmed by the taste of blood. When I finally stop I look at my sleeve and the wall and see that they are both splattered with blood. I glance up and see Lucas, blue eyes light with worry.
"I'm fine." I barely get out
"No your not. You opened the wound of your shoulder and your coughing up blood. That's not fine." He says
He looks behind me at the shambling wall of gray zoms. I start to cough again. I look behind him and see the group rest, waiting, at the next corridor for us. Lucas looks back at me and mumbles as a puts an arm around my waist "I'm not losing you again." I put my arm around his shoulder and put more than half of my weight on him."You never lost me." I say wincing. We slowly make our way down the hall. When we get there John walks up to us and says in his annoying voice "We have about 2 hall's left. We'll make it."
Cold anger suddenly burst in me and I glare at him. "And then I can kill you, you stupid son of a-"
"Okay" Lucas says interrupting me "We need to move."
In my free hand I pull my hand into a fist and dig my nails into the heel of my palm, enough to probably draw blood. I glare at John again who looks at me wearly and moves to the front of the group again.
We continue down the hallway at the fastest pace possibly. The flashing red lights putting a hazy red glow over everything. I chance a peak behind us and the zoms have closed in on us more than half last time I saw them. Lucas glances behind us and says strangely cold "We need to go faster."
I push myself to go faster but my muscles are stiff and we struggle to keep up with the rest of the group. Lucas was now dragging along my full body weight.
My vision blurred to one narrow sight and that was the flashing red hallway in front of me. I heard the soft whisper of my breath and heart beat with every step, echoing in my head. I slowly blinked as if my eyelids were to heavy. The noise of the angry growls and moans from the zoms got closer and closer until they were the only thing I could hear. Without the rythm of my heartbeat I was knocked out of my trance and felt the pain of each step again. My ribs and shoulder throbbed and I soon started coughing again. I looked behind us and I could now make out the horrifying rotting faces. I looked ahead and I saw it. The way out. A ladder ran up and out of this narrow tunnel. I look behind us again and this time the zoms are even closer.
"We're not gonna make it." I choke out.
"Yes we are."
"No!" I shout pulling myself away from Lucas and collapsing on the floor. I cough and blood splatters across the ground.
Lucas kneels down and looks behind us and then back at me. His blue eyes fiery in the red glow.
"Fine." He says
"What." I say back
"If your dying down here so am I."
"Lucas please I can't..I can't." I choke out through a sob
"The girl I know can do anything. The girl I know can beat a bunch of stupid zoms."
I look at him and I grab his shoulder. This guy never gives up.
Suddenly just as I was about to get up and fight my way to the exit, I see a quick gray hand on Lucas's shoulder and that's when it happens. A zombie face peaks up over his shoulder and before anyone can do anything. It bites him viciously. It happened in just a second. Just one tiny second. But it felt like a life time. I yell and whip my knife out of its sheath. But I'm too late. I stab the zom in the head and twist back to Lucas.
"No no no, get up come on!" I say
Hot tears run down my face leaving a clean trail where the blood and dirt used to be. I grab Lucas, who is holding his shoulder tightly, and we drag each other to the ladder. Light pours down the small circular shoot.
The doctors with guns start shooting the zoms and covering us. I push Lucas up the ladder and struggle up myself. A zom catches my foot and I slip. One hand on the ladder, my bad arm, and my other hanging by my side. The zom grips my foot and pulls, surprisingly strong, on my foot. I grunt and groan as my arm protests.Hot stabbing pains shoot through my shoulder and all the way down my hand. I bring my other arm up to the ladder and pull. I kick with one foot at the zoms hand around my ankle. I grunt one last time and the zom finally loses its grip. We climb the rest of the way up and ladder and finally reach the top. Lucas who had made it before me, lies silent on the concrete street. His chest barely moving up and down. I whisper one word.
© adansin