

Death Lies behind/ Chapter 4 - Back to the the 1860s
Dana tried to find the escape of the old mansion as she began watching illusions and her brain would start paining at times which affected her badly.
She opened the main hall door when she saw herself in a grand old outfit worn by rich ladies till 19s.
She then saw herself in a party with hundreds of guests and all were wearing old outfits.
A gentleman asked for a dancing but she refused. Next she saw Lina, Barry, Ivy and George looking at her with dreadful eyes.
Dana was just going towards them when someone held her hand and she stopped. She saw that it was Mathew who was wearing a rich outfit which was worn centuries ago.
Matthew told her that they have to go as the four of them were sent by his dad to kill her.
Dana couldn't believe what was happening around her. What Matthew was speaking about? Who was his dad. Matthew was an orphan who lived with his aunt. And why would Lina, Barry, Ivy and George try to kill her?
She had many things in her head so she asked, "Who killed Sam?"
Matthew asked if she turned mad or lost her mind. Matthew reminded her that she herself told Matthew that George was the one who killed Sam.
Dana tried to remember when she said that to Matthew, she realised that she was watching an illusion and nothing else.
Dana pressed hard on her brain and she felt the pain again.
When the pain stopped, she opened her eyes to see that the surroundings were again back to normal. She was again in the dark mansion alone.
She wondered if the illusions were of the previous life that pulled her into a trouble. She even wondered if the illusions were telling her something that might be true...
As she kept wandering around, she found out the front door. She opened it and a breeze came in giving her chills. She used her torch to see if anybody was outside and found that it's all clear.
But then she heard a footstep behind her and she turned back to see Matthew (in the outfit of the person on the main picture of this story) with the machete.
Matthew told her to come to his side, kill the enemies, take the revenge of Sam and end what she started.
Dana didn't understand a thing but someone kept a hand on her shoulder and she turned back to see that it was Kenny.
Kenny asked her if she was okay but Dana didn't reply and turned towards Matthew who has disappeared.
Dana replied that she was not a bit fine and she had been watching illusions that were telling her the thing that happen in this forest during the 1860s.
Kenny told Dana that Barry, Ivy and George were talking like mad. The three locked Kenny, Lian, Ana, Pit and Samantha in a cottage.
They tried to make Lina remember that they had to kill Matthew and Dana before they kill them but Lina refused saying that they need a psychiatrist.
George than wore a mask which was similar to Matthew's as Kenny described and took Lina away. Barry and Ivy then set fire to the cottage which ultimately killed Ana, Pit and Samantha but Kenny escaped.
After running for almost an hour away from Barry and Ivy, he reached the mansion to hide but found Dana outside.
After this Dana and Kenny set off towards the sound of water because the village where their cabin was, was near to a river. So, they set off carefully climbing down the rocks.
Until now, Dana had three mysteries to solve - The illusions that she saw were true and from her past life or was it all false?
Second What was upto Barry, Ivy and George and why they would kill everyone like this?
Lastly and the main What was the mystery behind Blackstone forest and Matthew?
To be continued...
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