

The chief Bridesmaid

This is a work of fiction. Characters, names, pictures, places, events, business, incidents are used in a fictitious form and also from author's imagination.


Convocation Ceremony:

Mr Ike: Now let's make welcome miss Amarachi as she comes up to give her speech.

Amarachi: Thank you very much Mr. Ike. And thank you dedicated staff, accomplished faculty, lecturers, deans and of course the graduating class of 2017 who made these four years everything that they were. Never did i think that I would be up here on this platform giving a speech but dreams do come true and it's a great honour to me. Today is the day that we all have dreamed about. When I first came to this University, I was scared and nervous. Today I can say that I am none of those things.

Nnamdi Azikiwe University changed my life for the better. I made many mistakes here and there but If I didn't come to this University, I can honestly say that I wouldn't be who I am today and I know for fact I wouldn't have gotten a degree. During my 100level days, there were two quotes that stuck with me. It said "Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education." Every single one these students here worked so hard to be here for this moment because that was our goal. We're glad to have studied in this great citadel of learning.

The other one said " Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and into the life you've always imagined." I took these quotes to heart and every time i felt exhausted, i always remind myself that every hardship was an uphill step in the right direction. The personal, moral dilemmas, challenges and stress which we all faced made me want to give up but I'm glad i didn't and I'm happy you didn't because graduating today means we weren't scared to dream big and succeed.

I owe a big thank you to Mr. Onyeka who was a father figure to me while i was studying here, his words of wisdom helped me a lot and I wouldn't have been able to do without him. Also a big thank you to Nkechi, Debbie, Emeka, Stanley and Nonye.

Most of all my best friend who showed me that you can make it and achieve your goal if you are prayerful and focused, thanks for never leaving my side, and to my Parents, Mr and Mrs Nwabueze, my siblings, cousins, thanks for being my entire world, to my uncles and aunts who came all the way from Portland, a huge thank you for assisting me in everything. Thanks and God bless. I love you all.

Congratulations us graduates and may we continue to excel in all ramifications of life. Amen.

Students: Amen!!!!!!!!

Mr Ike: Thank you for that wonderful speech. You're blessed. And to all the graduates, continue dreaming big. Congratulations to you all!

© Victory D.O. Nwakobu