

"In mirrored halls of mind and heart's throne,
A reflection gazes, a soul overthrown.
The glassy surface, a truth does reveal,
A heart once warm, now frozen and concealed."


"The weight of self, a heavy load to bear,
A sorrow profound, that's hard to declare.
The burden of being, a pain to abide,
A grief so deep, that's hard to hide."


"The eyes that gaze, with tears that stream,
Reflect the anguish, that's hard to dream.
The windows of the soul, with sorrow gleam,
Revealing the hurt, that's hard to redeem."


"The whispers of a mind that's weary and old,
Echo the fears, that are yet to be told.
The murmurs of a soul, that's worn and gray,
Reveal the anxieties, that come what may."


"The quest for peace, a winding road to roam,
Through labyrinths dark, where shadows make their home.
The search for serenity, a path to unfold,
Through darkness and doubt, to a peaceful hold."


"The heart that seeks solace, a soul that mourns,
Yearns for the balm, that heals the scorns.
A refuge from the pain, a place to learn,
To find the peace, that soothes the heart's concerns."


"But still the sorrow, a shadow that stays,
Lingers near, and brings a sorrowful sway.
A constant ache, that echoes through the days,
And whispers tears, in a heart that prays."


"In the depths of self, a labyrinth we design,
A sorrow that entwines, like a vine that's divine.
It wraps around the heart, with a tender might,
And binds us close, to the darkness of night."


© godshand