

Threshold of Shadows - Chapter One
John had always been a skeptic when it came to the supernatural. He had never believed in ghosts, demons, or any other such entities. But that all changed when he moved into his new house. The moment he entered, he could feel a strange energy in the air, and he knew that something was not right.
One day, while he was sitting in his living room, he heard a knock on the door. He got up to answer it, but something stopped him. It was as if an invisible force was trying to hold him back. He felt a sudden urge to run away from the door and never look back.

But the knocking persisted. It grew louder and more insistent, as if the person on the other side of the door was desperate to come in. John felt a growing sense of dread, but he couldn't resist the urge to open the door.

As he reached for the doorknob, he felt a sudden surge of energy course through his body. It was as if the door was trying to pull him in, to draw him into some unknown darkness.

John pulled back, but the door wouldn't let go. It seemed to be alive, pulsing with an evil energy that he could feel deep in his bones. He knew that he had to get away, that he had to run for his life.

He turned and fled down the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest. He could hear the door creaking and groaning behind him, as if it was alive and angry that he had escaped its grasp.

As he ran, he realized that he was trapped. There was no way out, no escape from the malevolent force that seemed to be closing in on him from all sides. He was alone, in a house that wanted to consume him.

The door continued to call out to him, whispering his name in a voice that was both seductive and terrifying. He knew that he had to resist its call, that he had to find a way to break free from its grasp.

But he also knew that it was too late. The door had already claimed him, body and soul, and there was nothing he could do to escape its clutches. He was trapped, forever bound to the dark and twisted world that lay beyond the threshold.

© AlmaDada