

Ten minutes is all that I have to get something down on the screen. But, what do I write with such a short amount of time.

My brain is whirring like a top. Ideas are flooding the switchboard of my very soul.

Time is clicking away. Nine minutes remaining and I have nothing.

Butterflies are floating over a small bush. I wonder why they chose that particular bush.

Do turtles sing to each other?

Where did I leave my favorite book?

I look at the clock on my phone and see that I now have seven minutes remaining till the deadline.

Once upon a time there was a writer and he was struggling with what to write. He was "under the gun" for a topic.

There was no great monetary reward for meeting his goal. The only thing that he would have is the satisfaction of meeting his goal for today.

Can you write a novel in ten minutes? No, not really.

Three minutes remaining. Why did he accept this challenge?

"Bong, bong, bong," said the alarm.

Time was up and do you know what? The screen was not blank. He had succeeded. He did write something. He is indeed a writer.
© Kurt Frazier